6 thoughts on “Metrics Look Good for Schools to Move to In-Person Classes, For Now

  1. A Federal judge in Pennsylvania just declared the lockdowns by the governor & health secretary to be unconstitutional. It’s all over the news.

    I believe this is relevant to Massachusetts because the orders by Gov. Baker are based on the 1950 Civil Defense Act which does not include “health” as an emergency.

    The legislature has tried to amend that act to include “health” but never has.

    I believe this also applies to the state’s public health officials. Especially galling is its
    order that all students must get a flu vaccine.

    There is no logical reason for such a wide-reaching order. Moreover, the order does not apply to non-students. Why not , if senior citizens are the people most vulnerable to flu and Covid-19? None of it makes sense.

    The people and the legislature have been cut out of these decisions. Does this bother anyone?

    The state has overreached.

    Notice that the ACLU and its admirers would ordinarily protest such Draconian measures, but not now. They just roll over for whatever the top government men say.

    What is an all-powerful government called that issues whatever orders the top guys want? It’s called fascism, which certain people claim to be against but apparently now favor.

    • Please David. . .do you really equate wearing a mask to protect yourself and others fascism? Think making students get a flu shot is totalitarian? We make them have polio shots and mumps and measles vax. Maybe you are an anti-vaxxer.

      Most Mass residents support Gov. Baker’s measures because they believe the science and believe that the Governor is trying to keep everyone safe.

      Maybe you believe the virus and the 190,00 dead are a hoax. Maybe you don’t believe in science. Maybe you believe the earth is flat and that we faked the moon landing.

  2. It’s great (if late) that we now know what metrics will be used to make this decision. But if the conditions we have currently will allow opening, why do some kids have to wait another 2.5 months to go back to school in person?

    Kids have already missed a ton of school. This seems like an arbitrary and really lengthy delay, given that the Sup. says current conditions are what we need. I hate to say this, but it truly begs the question, do we think school is important or not?

    • Hi Mike,

      In the opinion of many of us, national Democrats want things – such as schools, employment, economy, mayhem- to be as bad as possible so that people will get disgusted and blame President Trump so they’ll vote for Joe Biden.

      Teachers unions are pro-Democrat and no doubt the word has gone out to make education as difficult as possible within certain limits.

      Mike, it’s like this:

      Educators institute courses on such things as Black Lives Matter, “diversity,” “anti-hate,” LGBTQ etc. in order not to educate children but to inculcate left-wing oriented political philosophy in them. Of course, the educators won’t admit that, but just think about how such programs have taken over our educational institutions. Everything is politicized in the education world today.

      I am sorry to have to say these things. The truth hurts, I know.

      By the way, Mike, did you hear that Springfield has just banned “Trick or Treating” this Halloween? It’s true.

      It makes no sense. It’s a stretch. It’s overreach. It’s panic.

      Kids go to playgrounds, supermarkets, toy stores, ice cream parlors, outdoor restaurants, etc. but can’t go up to a front door and get candy? This should be left up to kids and homeowners.

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