Tuesday’s ballot is one of the most crowded for a State Primary in years for Watertown voters, with contested races on which both the Democratic and Republican candidates can vote, including state representative.
The polls will be open from 7 a.m.to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020.
Democrats in all parts of Watertown have a contested race for State Representative. The 29th Middlesex, which covers about three quarters of town, has an open seat with incumbent Jonathan Hecht stepping down. Three people are running for that seat that also represents parts of Cambridge.
On the westside of town, 10th Middlesex State Rep. John Lawn has a challenge from Newton City Councilor Alison Leary. The district also includes parts of Newton and Waltham.
See the candidates responses to Watertown News’ Q&As by clicking on the names below:
29th Middlesex (Precincts 1-9)
10th Middlesex (Precincts 10-12)
No Republicans are on the ballot for either race.
Other Races
Also on the ballot are the race for U.S. Senator for both the Dems and GOP, with Incumbent Edward Markey being challenged by Congressman Joseph Kennedy for the Democratic nomination. On the Republican side, Shiva Ayyadurai of Belmont faces Kevin J. O’Connor of Dover.
Congresswoman Katherine Clark is unchallenged on the Democratic side, and Caroline Colarusso is the only Republican on the ballot for the seat in Congress.
Democrat Will Brownsberger does not face an opponent this year for re-election to the State Senate. Watertown’s Marilyn M. Petitto Devaney is unchallenged for the Democratic nomination for Governor’s Council (appears on the ballot as Councillor). Also unchallenged is Tara E. DeChristofaro for Middlesex Register of Probate. No Republicans made the ballot for any of these races.
To check what precinct you are in and who is on your ballot, enter your address on the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website (click here).
Polling Places
Three precincts will be voting in different locations this year due to construction at two of the town’s schools. Precinct 2 moved from Hosmer School to the Hellenic Cultural Center and Precincts 11 and 12 moved from Cunniff School to Watertown Middle School cafeteria.
See the entire list below:
1 Hellenic Cultural Center 25 Bigelow Ave. 2 Hellenic Cultural Center 25 Bigelow Ave. 3 Hellenic Cultural Center 25 Bigelow Ave. 4 Phillips School 30 Common St. 5 Phillips School 30 Common St. 6 Hibernian Hall 151 Watertown St. 7 Lowell School 175 Orchard St. 8 Watertown Middle School 68 Waverley Ave. 9 Watertown Middle School 68 Waverley Ave. 10 Watertown Police Station 552 Main St. 11 Watertown Middle School 68 Waverley Ave. 12 Watertown Middle School 68 Waverley Ave.