The Sales Tax Holiday in Massachusetts is coming up on Aug. 29 and 30, 2020, when most items on which sales tax is normally charged will be tax free.
The tax holiday applies to retail items purchased in stores, as well as those purchased online. Merchandise does not have to be taken home or delivered during the tax holiday, but they must be paid for in full. If you exchange and item purchased during the Tax Holiday, you will not be charged taxes on the new item.
While most items qualify for the tax exemption, some things will still have tax added, including meals, gas, alcohol and items that cost more than $2,500.
The following items DO NOT qualify for the tax free weekend.
- Meals
- Motor vehicles
- Motorboats
- Telecommunications services
- Gas
- Steam
- Electricity
- Tobacco products
- Marijuana or marijuana products
- Alcoholic beverages, and
- Any single item whose price is more than $2,500.
Items purchased by businesses or for business use do not qualify for the tax exemption. Neither do purchases made on layaway.
See the frequently asked questions provided by the Mass. Department of Revenue by clicking here. Read the state regulations for the Sales Tax Holiday by clicking here.