The following information was provided by the Watertown Library:
This Wednesday evening, join WFPL for a virtual book talk with Mathew Van Meter, author of Deep Delta Justice: A Black Teen, His Lawyer, and Their Groundbreaking Battle for Civil Rights in the South. Later this week, test your Marvel Cinematic Universe smarts with Superfan Saturday Trivia. Interested in 3D modeling and printing? Hatch is offering an introduction to the Onshape modeling environment on Friday!
A full list of virtual programs for this week is included below.
Children’s Summer Reading
June 16 – September 9 | WFPL is here to help keep your student on track with our annual Summer Reading Program.
Story Time (via Facebook Live)
Monday at 12 PM | Tuesday at 10:30 AM | Thursday at 11 AM
Story Time Video Library
Enjoy stories and songs anytime from home.
Teen Summer Reading Challenge Ends Today
June 15 – August 21 |Thank you to all of our amazing and thoughtful Teen Summer Readers! We are drawing for prize winners TODAY and we’ll contact you by phone or email if you win one of our fabulous prizes.
One School, One Book
The Teen department still has paperback copies of The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, the One School, One Book selection for Watertown Middle School. Come in to pick up a copy or arrange for curbside pickup!
A Connecticut Yankee…Read and Watch Along (via Zoom)
Tuesdays, 8/18 – 9/22 | 2 PM | Join us in exploring Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. After reading the book, we will watch and discuss the 1989 movie.
Community Yoga (via Zoom)
Wednesdays | 9:15 AM | Follow the link to join the class on Wednesday mornings.
Deep Delta Justice With Author Matthew Van Meter (via Zoom)
Wednesday, 8/26 | 7:30 PM | Join WFPL in welcoming Matthew Van Meter for a talk about his debut nonfiction work Deep Delta Justice: A Black Teen, His Lawyer, and Their Groundbreaking Battle for Civil Rights in the South. In this powerful work of character-driven history, Van Meter brings alive a court case changed the course of justice in the American South and the entire country.
Superfan Trivia: Marvel Cinematic Universe Part 2 (via Zoom)
Saturday, 8/29 | 7 PM | We’ll thoroughly test you on the continuing stories of our favorite Marvel heroes and villains. Play solo or as a team and earn the right to call yourself the Ultimate Marvel MCU Fan!
Custom Critter Box Part 2 with Yi Bin (Zoom Demo)
Monday, 8/24 | 5 PM | In the second session of this two-part workshop, you will learn how to assemble all the other parts around the drawer you made last week.
Arduino 201 with David (Zoom Workshop)
Monday, 8/24 | 7 PM | Arduino 201 takes a deeper look at Arduino for those that have done some basic projects and want to take their skills to the next level.
Intro to Onshape 3D Modeling (Zoom Demo)
Friday, 8/28 | 7 PM | In this introduction to the Onshape 3D modeling environment, you will learn how to create your own design files for 3D printing and other applications.