4 thoughts on “State Rep. Candidate Backed by Group of Town Councilors

  1. So Owens receives the endorsement of more progressive pals? How is this news? Receive the support of some folks other than fellow travelers in this basically one person race and that’ll impress me!

  2. I would like to know Steve Owens’ position on these topics:

    . Rent control: Does Steve want to see it come to Watertown?

    . Does Steve think businesses and churches should be able to be open right now more than is presently being permitted?

    . The violent protests taking place in cities such as Portland for 70 days: what does he think should be done about these?

  3. I’m not a progressive, I’m a moderate but enthusiastic supporter.
    As for Ann’s questions, 1. Depends on how you define it, 2. Churches should be subject to the same public health protocols as appropriate. 3. What do you think about unmarked Military weapon bearing (seemingly federal) agents in Portland essentially kidnapping and whisking off protesters to an unknown location, and only serving to escalate protests?

  4. I think I am a level-headed liberal and try to think before I support any one view. I do believe that Steve is a thoughtful person and a great candidate for this position. He’s been active in politics for a long time, is knowledgeable about how government works and will be a very effective rep. In this time of pandemic isolation when the candidates can’t get out to us, we should all do a little extra to find out what we need to know to vote responsibly this fall. I’m sure any candidate would be glad to be contacted with questions or to have a conversation with a voter. You can check out his website at https://votesteveowens.com/

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