To the Editor,
Massachusetts voters will have many new ways of casting a ballot this fall thanks to an emergency bill passed by the legislature and signed into law a few short weeks ago.
The law will help ensure that no Bay Stater has to choose between their right to vote and their health by sending mail ballot applications to all registered voters, providing a safer in-person voting experience by providing PPE and additional early voting options, and streamlining administrative procedures for local elections officials. There are many other changes as well as these toplines, all designed to modernize our
election system and make it safer and more participatory. It is an outstanding example of moving forward for the benefit of all Bay Staters, and one of the strongest election reforms in the country.
What readers may not know is the critical role that Watertown State Representative John Lawn played in passing this essential legislation. With great care, research, and a fundamental dedication to inclusive and participatory democracy, Representative Lawn shepherded the legislation through the legislative process including serving as the lead sponsor of a bill that formed the basis of the new law. At every step of the process, he fought for voter-friendly reforms supported by voting rights organizations. As co-chairman of the Joint Committee on Election Laws, he involved all stakeholders in negotiating the best reform possible and was extremely diligent and accessible to all.
I am extremely thankful for Representative Lawn’s work on this bill and wanted others to know of the essential role he played in passing this important legislation.
Pam Wilmot
Executive Director of Common Cause Massachusetts
It’s called absentee ballots. This law is a sham.
I agree this law is a sham. Let’s just make more ballots that it will create more havoc.
Even Fauci said there is no reason why people cannot vote in person as long as mask and social distancing guidelines are followed. Why create even the possibility for additional voter fraud?