The Watertown Farmers Market provided the following information:
It’s that time of year – summer fun is in full swing! The weather is warm, lots of grilling and time outdoors. The market is filled with beautiful produce including sweet corn, summer squash, and other goodies to bring home to your table.
This week we continue to enjoy our summer favorite: delicious blueberries! Loaded with antioxidants, blueberries can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. Bon Appétit shares 36 ways to incorporate this tiny berry into your next meal. Stock up because these sweet and tasty berries are easy to freeze for later use too.
Sweet Tahini and We Grow Microgreens are back this week! Pick up some delicious savory baked goods from Hila’s Israeli Kitchen and pair with a fresh microgreen salad. This week’s culinary corner is all about microgreens. Scroll down to learn more!
We are grateful for your continued support and look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!
July 22nd Vendor Line-up
Farm Produce
Red Fire Farm (preorders & CSA pickup only)
We Grow Microgreens (biweekly)
Hooked Fish Shop (Red’s Best & Boston Smoked Fish)
Baked Goods
Specialty Vendors
Sweet Tahini (biweekly)
Culinary Corner
Welcome to Eat Well Watertown’s Culinary Corner! In this space each week, we’ll feature Watertown Farmers Market products and vendors. We’ll offer nutritional and culinary tips, and recipes for you to experiment with. We hope that you’ll be encouraged to try new or unfamiliar vegetables and fruits, and we’ll help you pair them with meats and fish from the Farmers Market walkway.
Written By: Eat Well Chef Natalie Tarbet
This week we are focusing on micro-greens because We Grow Microgreens, an urban grower in Roslindale, is back with us. The last time they were available at the market, I ate half my box before the end of the afternoon and the other half for breakfast the next morning. I am particularly partial to the nasturtiums sprinkled on top. Nice and sharp, like a very strong radish. But flowers are only a small part of the company’s offerings. They farm some twenty different vegetables and herbs, in soil and with ample sun and collected rainwater, harvesting only the tender stem and first real leaf, before the plants mature into their stronger-tasting selves.
There are countless ways to develop and indulge in the microgreen habit. I had some over ripe mangos in the fridge and made an impromptu dressing for my remaining half-box (recipe below). Vegans take note: this one’s for you!
Want a more robust preparation? Cut kernels off as many ears of Dick’s corn as you need and mix them with as many fistfuls of microgreens as you please. Then sliver on top whatever left-over roast beef (or chicken) you may have in the fridge (this is a good way to make a skimpy leftover look generous). Apply a dollop of your choice of one of Sa’s sauces and serve with OMG bagels torn into bite-size pieces. Offer additional sauce on the side.
Microgreens invite improvisation, of course, and welcome whatever additions of heat, veggies, herbs and sauces your heart desires: add them on top of pizza, pasta dishes, and soups or stews or incorporate them into sandwiches, omelets, a stir-fry or smoothies. Wonderful all year round, they are especially gratifying in summer for their versatility and the ease with which they give your dinners the nutrition they need.
Mango Sauce
Thanks to Mollie Katzen, The heart of the Plate, for the inspiration.
- Up to 3 very ripe mangos 1 T wine vinegar
- Fresh garlic to taste, chopped
- Scant salt
- 1 T lemon juice
- 5 T EV olive oil
Place in a blender and process to produce a vinaigrette consistency. Adjust quantities to suit your taste.
Roasted Beet & Blueberry Salad
”Chef Scott Graden of New Scenic Café outside Duluth, Minnesota, pickles beets to use in the winter, but in summer he cooks them up fresh in preparations like this blueberry salad. Serve topped with radishes and microgreens, if desired.”
— Eating Well Magazine
Vendor Preorder Information
Some vendors still have preorders available with deadlines later today.
Remember placing a preorder reduces your contact at the market, the time spent in front of each vendor, and it ensures the vendor has what you want when you arrive. We expect the market to slow down after 4:30 PM and suggest preordering and shopping later if possible. Placing a preorder does not allow you to skip the line.
Clear Flour Bakery Deadline: Tuesday at 2 PM Visit their online store to place your order. Select your pickup day. Make sure to choose a Wednesday for Watertown pickup. Prepayment is required.
Dick’s Market Gardens Deadline: Tuesday at 2 PM Dick’s Market Gardens is offering a weekly box of fresh produce. New this week, Dick’s is offering a $25 box along with a $40 box. The $40 box contains (over a $60 value): 2 pints of blueberries, 1 quart of plums, 2 lbs. of peaches, 1 ½ lbs. of cucumbers, 1 green cabbage, 4 field tomatoes, 1 bunch Tuscan kale, 1 bunch curly kale, 1 bunch of basil, 1 bunch flat parsley, 3 lbs. combined summer, kousa, and zucchini squash, 1 ¼ pounds of green beans, 1 bunch fresh yellow onions, 6 ears of corn, 2 lbs. Yukon Gold potatoes, 1 head red loose lettuce, 1 head of cauliflower The $25 box contains (over a $30 value): 1 pint of blueberries, 1 pint of plums, 1 lb. of peaches, ½ pint cherry tomatoes, 4 ears of corn, 1 bunch of basil, 2 field tomatoes, 1 bunch of curly kale, 1 head of cauliflower, 1 lb. Yukon Gold potato, 1 bunch of fennel, 1 ½ lbs. combined summer and zucchini squash Visit their online store to place your order. SNAP Customers: Email your order to dmglunenburg@gmail.com.
We Grow Microgreens Deadline: Tuesday at 6 PM Visit their online store to place your order. Under ordering method, choose “Watertown Farmers’ Market” and note your name, email, and date of pickup in the Specialized Instructions. Prepay online or pay at the market upon pickup. SNAP Customers: Same order info as above. Choose Pay at Location
Sweet Tahini Deadline: Tuesday at Midnight Tahini Spreads and Treats & East Mediterranean Savory Baked Goods Visit their online store to place your order. Choose Local Pickup option at check-out and leave a note in the box that you are picking up at the Watertown Farmers’ Market. Prepay online via PayPal or credit card.
Hooked Fish Shop Deadline: Wednesday at 10 AM Visit their online store to place your order. Choose Watertown Farmers’ Market as your pickup location. Prepayment is required. SNAP Customers: Email rider@evergreendelivery.bike or call 617-285-0826 to place your order.
Customer Rules for Safer Shopping:
1. Please do not come to the market if you are sick.
2. Wear a mask or face covering over your mouth and nose at all times.
3. Wash or sanitize hands frequently, including when entering the market.4. Follow social distancing and look for ground markings – Stay 6 ft apart.
5. Designate one family member to attend, if possible.
6. Please leave your furry friends at home (no pets allowed in the market).
7. Touchless shopping only: Do not handle products until payment is complete.
8. Vendors are not allowed to handle your reusable bags.
Double Your SNAP Dollars
The Watertown Farmers’ Market Accepts SNAP, HIP, and Farmers Market Coupons including WIC & Senior FMNP
The Watertown Farmers’ Market accepts SNAP. Swipe your EBT card at the market manager’s tent to receive a dollar-to-dollar match, up to $15/week. The Market is also accepting P-EBT cards this season. Healthy Incentives Program (HIP) Update Purchase fruits and vegetables using your EBT card from authorized HIP farmers and the amount of sale will be automatically reimbursed, it’s an instant rebate. Monthly maximums apply. More information can be found at mass.gov or the market’s HIP Q&A Guide.