State Sen Will Brownberger provided the following piece:
Early in the morning on July 14, the Senate passed S.2800 — the Reform, Shift and Build Act. We look forward to working with our colleagues in the House of Representatives to finalize soon a joint package to lay before the Governor.
The outline below offers a thematic organization of the bill. Links in the outline lead to relevant resources. We will build these out over time.
- Reduce the risk of police misconduct (Reform)
- Narrow legal authorization for use of force
- Ban chokeholds
- Eliminate arrest or escape as occasions for use of deadly force
- Eliminate evidence preservation as predicate for no-knock
- Restrict use of crowd control tools to cases where people are threatened
- encourage prospective de-escalation planning
- require reporting and review
- Create commission to review use of force rules in corrections
- Increase police accountability
- Statewide police certification authority
- Receives all misconduct complaints
- Investigates complaints involving serious misconduct
- Can decertify police officers
- Maintains disclosure database
- Commission to consider parallel process for correctional settings
- Strengthen civil remedies for misconduct
- Monetary damages for civil rights violations
- Not require “threats, intimidation or coercion” as predicate for civil rights liability
- Revise qualified immunity defense
- Allow Attorney General to bring pattern and practice cases
- Prohibit NDAs in police misconduct settlement
- Monetary damages for civil rights violations
- State police reform
- Allow Governor to select colonel from outside
- Create state police cadet program
- Strengthen colonel’s hand in applying discipline
- Body camera taskforce
- Review all aspects of body camera use
- Impose moratorium on facial recognition use during taskforce
- Statewide police certification authority
- Narrow legal authorization for use of force
- Shift from force and punishment to de-escalation and helping? (Shift)
- Demilitarize the police
- Require transparency on military equipment acquisitions
- Require civilian authorization of military equipment acquisitions
- Expand mental health interventions
- Expand the work of the Center for Police Training and Crisis Intervention
- Develop new evidence-based intervention models
- Prioritize more community-led mental health interventions
- Limit the school to prison pipeline
- Make school resource officers optional at choice of superintendent
- Prohibit school departments from sharing student information with police except for investigation of a crime or to stop imminent harm
- Reinvest criminal justice resources in impacted communities
- Compute savings from incarceration reductions
- Devote half to community reinvestment fund
- Also credit half of treble damage awards for police overtime fraud
- Disburse through diverse committee
- Demilitarize the police
- Fight racism (Build)
- Reduce burden of policing on people of color
- Ban racial profiling
- Require racial data collection for all police stops
- Require reporting, analysis and reflection
- Introduce police training requirement on history of slavery, lynching, institutionalized racism
- Create African-American Commission
- Reduce burden of policing on people of color