The following announcement was provided by the Steve Owens for State Representative Campaign:
Candidate for State Representative of the 29th Middlesex District Steve Owens has been endorsed by both the Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund and 350 Mass Action. Primary day is September 1st.
“I am honored to be endorsed by the Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund and 350 Mass Action. The climate crisis is the defining issue of our time and I will work relentlessly with them and other environmental activists to pass laws that protect our environmental legacy, create green jobs and leave the next generation a future and world that we can be proud of.” said Steve Owens.
The Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund helps to elect environmental champions, educate voters about candidate positions on environmental issues, and works to build the political power of the environmental community. They invest financial and technical resources in campaigns while putting “boots on the ground” in targeted districts around the Commonwealth.
350 Mass Action is a statewide volunteer network working to address the escalating climate crisis by eliminating greenhouse gas emissions and moving our world to a 100% clean, sustainable, and just energy future. Since their founding in 2016, their primary focus has been electing progressive climate champions and eliminating the influence of fossil fuel special interests over our political process.
Steve Owens is running to bright about a bright future for Cambridge and Watertown, you can learn more about his candidacy here: votesteveowens.com.
He will be hosting a virtual town hall with State Representative Maria Robinson of Framingham. The discussion will be centered around environmental policy and what we can do to combat climate change during the COVID-19 pandemic. The event will be held on Tuesday, July 14th at 1:00pm EST via Zoom. Sign-up to attend the town hall here: https://www.mobilize.us/committeetoelectsteveowens/event/284572/.