The Town Council’s Committee on Economic Development and Planning will discussed an application for a proposed marijuana dispensary on Pleasant Street.
The meeting will be held online on Tuesday, July 7 at 6 p.m.
Buds Goods & Provisions has applied to put an adult-use marijuana dispensary at 330-350 Pleasant St. It was one of two groups invited to apply for adult-use licenses in Watertown in December, along with an applicant looking at a spot on North Beacon Street. A community meeting was held in January.
The application will have to be approved by the State’s Cannabis Control Commission and also the full Town Council.
The ballot measure that made adult-use (also called recreational) marijuana dispensaries legal in Massachusetts prevents towns from prohibiting dispensaries. They can, however, limit the number based on 10 percent of the number of liquor licenses. The Town Council has allowed three dispensaries in Watertown.
Natural Selections, which got the first (and so far only) medical marijuana license for 23 Elm St., also received the first adult-use license in town.
See how to watch and participate in the meeting:
- The meeting will be televised through WCATV (Watertown Cable Access Television): https://wcatv.org/government-channel/ or on TV on Comcast Channel 99 and RCN Channel 13.
- The public can join the virtual meeting online: at https://watertown-ma.zoom.us/j/92389985982?pwd=WHhIeUlUUU5yS3phN21pY3o3akNtQT09
- The public may join the virtual meeting audio only by phone: (877) 853-5257 or (888) 475-4499 (Toll Free) and enter Webinar ID: 923 8998 5982#
- Public may also comment through email: vpiccirilli@watertown-ma.gov