3 thoughts on “School Committee Decides Not to Attend Watertown High Graduation; Looks Toward Reopening

  1. This is pathetic and is an example of not how to lead. I’ll bet some of these school committee members were out protesting though over the past few weeks. The whole graduation planning is a complete joke and I only hope that my son and his classmates get far better after they finish university. For those not going on to higher education, I am sad for you and offer my apologies. No one on the school committee or school administration showed any real backbone or leadership here. Everyone was hiding behind a so called “committee” that came to a agreement on end of year activities. Everyone just trying to protect their behinds. The kids deserved way better, a real shame being let down by the adults.

  2. Just my opinion. The graduates deserve to be honored by the system which the school committee represents. Is it that you don’t think you should be there, or don’t want to be there because this graduation will take hours longer than usual. Rethink your position next time you put your name on the ballet. I will do the same.

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