Town officials announced that the 2020 Faire on the Square will be cancelled as a safety precaution during the COVID-19 outbreak. Some additional Recreation facilities will be opening on June 17.
Town Manager Michael Driscoll announced the cancellation of the Town’s annual celebration in the June 12 Town Manager’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update.
“Given the COVID-19 pandemic and as a follow-up to discussion with the Town Council President, the Chair of the Faire on the Square Committee and the Director of Public Health, this year’s Faire on the Square is cancelled out of an abundance of caution to protect the health and safety of its participants and vendors,” the Town Manager’s latest COVID-19 Update.
Meanwhile, tennis courts and dog parks will be reopening on Wednesday, June 17. According to the announcement the courts will be open for playing tennis and pickleball, but only for singles play, not doubles.
The announcement also included updates on the Town’s allowing for temporary seating at restaurants in Watertown. The applications will begin to be processed on June 16. Click here for more information and the application.
On June 17, the Farmers Market will open for the season, and will implement social distancing measures (see more information here). The Update added that the market will continue to offer a $15 SNAP match to eligible customers and include farm vendors who can process Healthy Incentive Program (HIP) benefits. The market is also able to process P-EBT cards.
Watertown’s latest COVID-19 statistics show that the Town has a total of 396 confirmed cases (up nine from June 2) and 343 of those have recovered from the virus — 26 more since June 2. Watertown has lost 23 people to the virus. Four Town employees have had confirmed cases, and two are back to work.
See more information, and read the entire Town Manager’s Update by clicking here: https://www.watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/29515/Town-Managers-Coronavirus-COVID19-Update-6-12-2020
Thanks, wish it was sooner!! Every day without the dogpark is a very long one!! Lots of driving to other towns, and my dog only wants to play with his original friends he bonded with at howe dogpark!! Eagerly awaiting its opening!!!! Thanks!