Recreation Director Peter Centola had to turn away some disappointed people hoping to make use of Watertown’s basketball courts and other facilities that are allowed to open under Phase 2 of the Governor’s reopening plan.
While Monday was the first day that many recreation facilities were allowed to reopen, Centola said that the ultimate decision lies with Town officials.
“Courts, dog park, the spray park, all things said we were closed continue to be closed until you hear differently from the Town of Watertown,” Centola said.
Centola said he has not heard when the other facilities will reopen.
The following list are the Watertown Recreation facilities that remain closed:
- basketball courts
- tennis courts
- dog parks
- picnic tables and areas
- playgrounds/tot lots
- multipurpose courts
- skateboard park
- the turf field at Victory Field
The Town has reopened fields and parks for passive use, along with the track at Victory Field and the Community Garden. If others are around, people must wear face masks, Centola said.
The town has wielded an extremely heavy hand throughout this whole COVID-19 episode and been tone deaf to the concerns and needs of the citizens. Remember this at election time. Some of these long time councilors need to go and a breath of fresh air has to blow through town hall.
I disagree, Fred. Town has been appropriately cautious based on the data from Middlesex County and the state, and the unknown factors in COVID19 with evidence of the seriousness of this emerging pandemic. What would you have done differently given the evidence unfolding each day about the deaths, hospitalizations and surge at hospital intensive care units?