The following announcement was provided by the Mosesian Center for the Arts:
Dearest MCA Community,
We hope you and your families are safe and well. Our staff has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 updates from Governor Baker and the CDC, and the safety of our community has continued to be our utmost priority.
After reviewing the most recent state plans for reopening, we have determined that it would be difficult to implement the early phases of distancing protocols for our Summer Youth Arts Education Programs as scheduled. To ensure the safety of our participants, families, teachers, and staff we have sadly made the decision to cancel all Summer Stages and Studios programming for 2020.
Summer Stages and Studios is such an exciting highlight of our year, this was not an easy decision for us to make. While we miss you all, we are looking forward to the art we will create when we can all safely be together again.
In the meantime, we hope you will enjoy all of the free programs we have available at https://www.mosesianarts.org/events. We can’t wait to see you again, whenever that may be!
If you have registered for one of these programs we will be processing refunds via check, and plan to have them mailed by June 19th.
Please email registration@mosesianarts.org to confirm your current mailing address for your refund check, and to let us know if you would like to make a donation, by close of business on Friday, June 5.
We appreciate your patience as we complete this refund process.
The Education Team