Two meetings will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, June 3. The Watertown School Building Committee (starting at 6 p.m) will hear a presentation about the latest design possibilities for the new Watertown High School, while the Conservation Commission (beginning at 7 p.m.) will hear about the second phase of the Arsenal Park renovation.
High School Meeting
The School Building Committee will hear from architects from Ai3 about the progress of designs for the project, which could either go on the current site or on part of the Victory Field complex. They will also discuss upcoming forums about the project. See the agenda by clicking here: https://www.watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/29448/20200603-School-Building-Committee-Agendadoc
The meeting will be televised by Watertown Cable on the Education Channel (online at wcatv.org/education-channel or Comcast Channel 8 and RCN channel 15). The public can participate by joining the Zoom webinar by clicking this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86932730605?pwd=ckdxRWh5My9lYzBOQlRNN2JlMjE0dz09 (Password: 043077)
Or iPhone one-tap: US: +19292056099,,86932730605#,,1#,043077# or +12532158782,,86932730605#,,1#,043077#
Or by telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 929 205 6099 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 (Webinar ID: 869 3273 0605,Password: 043077)
International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kQh67o4xJ
Arsenal Park Meeting
Phase A of the renovation of Arsenal Park was recently approved by the Town Council, and Wednesday the Conservation Commission will discuss Phase B of the project.
There will also be two cases considered and the commission will discuss the Town purchasing open space. See the agenda by clicking here: https://www.watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/29447/Con-Comm-Agenda-632020-Remote
The meeting will be televised on Watertown Cable ( online at wcatv.org/government-channel/ or on Comcast Channel 99 or RCN Channel 13).
The public can join the virtual meeting online via Zoom at: https://watertown-ma.zoom.us/j/99597080710. By Telephone audio only at (877) 853-5257 or (888) 475-4499 (Toll Free) and enter Meeting ID: 9959 7080 710.
Comments can be sent by email prior to or during the meeting by sending a message to lschwab@watertown-ma.gov
*I tried watching High School Building meeting on Ch15 RCN last night 6/3/2020. During many parts of the presentation it would go to no audio, video and loud music would come on. Seems like they are trying to rush into decisions. Nearly impossible to have these meetings on zoom.
*Many people do not have cable or zoom, phone numbers specifics need to be posted to the public phoning in on how to be heard and not muted. By pressing *9 after you get on phone? The public forum is very important, citizens want to be heard.
*I think these very important meetings should be put off until the Town hall opens the doors or an outdoor place that chairs can be put safely 6 feet apart with mask being worn. At one point it was stated that public should be able to see by downloading what will be presented well in advance of the meeting.
*No specific cost were in place regarding each plan and for each designs that were shown.
*No mention of how much money has been spent already on this 97 year old deteriorating building. Giving it face lifts when you maybe tearing it down. Tax payers want to know.
*Designing, demolishing 3 schools in Watertown at the same time because they were not kept up or built in stages years ago have put us in an awful place and now a pandemic. We are very limited to areas to build.