The following announcement came from the Watertown Senior Center:
Good afternoon,
We hope you are doing well! As you know, the Senior Center remains closed, but the Council on Aging continues to operate with staff on hand to answer your calls and emails. We are always happy to hear from you. We have moved many of our programs to an online format using Zoom. Please call us at (617) 972-6490 to register for a program and to receive Zoom access information.
June 1, June 8, June 15, June 22, and June 29
Art Class with Dawn, 10 am to 12 pm
Chair Yoga with Diane, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
May 26, June 2, June 9, June 16, June 23, and June 30
Virtual Coffee with Chief Lawn and Captain Dupuis, 10 am to 12 pm (May 26)
Tai-Chi and Mediation with Marie, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm (All Tuesdays)
May 27, June 3, June 10, June 17, and June 24
Exercise with Joanna, 11 am to 12 pm
May 28, June 4, June 11, June 18, and June 25
Coffee and Conversation with Tom, 10:30 am to 12 pm
May 29, June 5, June 12, June 19, and June 26
Seated Strength and Balance with Pearl, 12 pm to 1 pm
Mellowtones Choral Group with Anne Silverman, 1:30 pm to 2:45 pm
SHINE appointments and legal services assistance are being done by phone. Please call us to connect with a SHINE counselor or legal services attorney. The Senior Shuttle remains out of service until further notice. To renew your Senior Parking Permit, call the Senior Center for details. New permits are not being processed at this time.
From May 1st through July 15th, the Federal Tax Clinic at Harvard Law School is offering FREE virtual tax filing services to help eligible taxpayers file current/old tax returns and claim their Stimulus payments. Call the clinic directly at (617) 390-1729, Monday – Friday from 9am-5pm for more information.
The Watertown Food Pantry is open Tuesdays from 10-2 at 80 Mount Auburn Street and will accept food donations from 9-2 on Tuesdays too. If you’d like to hold a Food Drive, please do so, as the need is great. The link to most needed items is here: https://www.watertown-ma.gov/250/Watertown-Food-Pantry. Sincere thanks to Kathy Cunningham, Coordinator, and her long-standing group of dedicated volunteers for operating an extraordinary effort to serve our neighbors in need, and thank you to everyone who has donated! Donations, made payable to the Watertown Food Pantry, can be mailed to the Senior Center at 31 Marshall Street. Find the Food Pantry on Facebook: www.facebook.com/WatertownMAFoodPantry.
A note from Patrick George, Veterans’ Services Officer about Memorial Day:
“Watertown Veterans’ Services has created a brief interview series with Veterans, Veterans’ Organizations, and other stakeholders in the community to discuss the importance of Memorial Day. The show will originally air on WCA-TV at noon on Memorial Day, and will be available to view online shortly after that. Although the parade was cancelled, the holiday was not. The Watertown Delta will be lit up gold over the weekend, to reflect Gold Star Families, American flags are also being placed on graves prior to Memorial Day to ensure we never forget the sacrifices those service members made.”
In closing, please continue to keep yourself and others safe by wearing your face coverings, keeping your distance and washing your hands. Know we’re thinking of you, and we hope you’ll check out the Zoom programs. Call us with any questions.
Anne-Marie Gagnon
Director of Senior Services
Watertown Council on Aging/Senior Center
Phone: (617) 972-6490
Email: SeniorCenter@watertown-ma.gov
Facebook: www.facebook.com/WatertownMACouncilOnAging