The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Library:
Watertown residents have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in varied and inspirational ways. As we support each other and our community during this unprecedented time, the staff of the Watertown Free Public Library (WFPL) believe it is important to document the experience.
Preserving local history is a core and vital function of libraries. WFPL is, therefore, establishing the COVID-19 Collective Memory Initiative (watertownlib.org/memory) to collect and save the experiences, thoughts, and writings of Watertown residents during this historic time. The goal
of this initiative is to provide future generations with primary source materials to understand this moment in Watertown history, while strengthening our town’s solidarity in the present.
In the coming weeks, WFPL will offer a series of programs to encourage storytelling and writing about life during the pandemic. Here’s how you can get involved:
Write Your History: Coronavirus Diaries Writing Program [For Adults]
Mondays 5/11 – 6/29 | alternating 11 AM and 7 PM | via Zoom
Join us for a weekly series of virtual writing workshops to help you record your experiences of this time in diary or journal form. Workshops will provide a safe space for participants to start a journal, or workshop material already in progress. No writing experience necessary! WFPL
will collect these accounts and maintain them as part of our Local History Collection. For more information, visit: watertownlib.org/diaries
Speak Your Truth: Watertown Coronavirus StoryCorps Project [For All Ages]
StoryCorps, as featured on NPR and supported by the Library of Congress, is the leading open source archive for Oral History testimonials. The Watertown Free Public Library will be conducting interviews of Watertown residents (via Zoom) about their COVID-19 pandemic experiences to create a StoryCorps Oral History collection. We want to hear from you! Request
an interview: watertownlib.org/storycorps
My True Story: Writing Contest to Collect Teen Reflections of COVID-19 [For Grades 6-12]
WFPL is hosting a writing competition for teens that live or go to school in Watertown. Finalists in both middle and high school categories will win Amazon gift cards and all submissions will be made part of WFPL’s local history collection. Learn more: watertownlib.org/mytruestory
Want to stay in the loop? WFPL’s eNewsletter is the best way to learn about everything that the Library has to offer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sign up at watertownlib.org/eNews
About WFPL: The Watertown Free Public Library provides access to a wide variety of popular materials, resources, services, and programs that fulfill the informational, cultural and recreational needs of Watertown and surrounding communities. WFPL works to create an environment that attracts and welcomes users of all ages and abilities. watertownlib.org
Preserving local history is a core and vital function of libraries. WFPL is, therefore, establishing the COVID-19 Collective Memory Initiative (watertownlib.org/memory) to collect and save the experiences, thoughts, and writings of Watertown residents during this historic time. The goal of this initiative is to provide future generations with primary source materials to understand this moment in Watertown history, while strengthening our town’s solidarity in the present.
In the coming weeks, WFPL will offer a series of programs to encourage storytelling and writing about life during the pandemic. Here’s how you can get involved:
Write Your History: Coronavirus Diaries Writing Program [For Adults]
Mondays 5/11 – 6/29 | alternating 11 AM and 7 PM | via Zoom
Join us for a weekly series of virtual writing workshops to help you record your experiences of this time in diary or journal form. Workshops will provide a safe space for participants to start a journal, or workshop material already in progress. No writing experience necessary! WFPL will collect these accounts and maintain them as part of our Local History Collection. For more information, visit: watertownlib.org/diaries
Speak Your Truth: Watertown Coronavirus StoryCorps Project [For All Ages]
StoryCorps, as featured on NPR and supported by the Library of Congress, is the leading open source archive for Oral History testimonials. The Watertown Free Public Library will be conducting interviews of Watertown residents (via Zoom) about their COVID-19 pandemic experiences to create a StoryCorps Oral History collection. We want to hear from you! Request an interview: watertownlib.org/storycorps
My True Story: Writing Contest for Teens [Grades 6-12]
WFPL is hosting a writing competition for teens that live or go to school in Watertown. Finalists in both middle and high school categories will win Amazon gift cards and all submissions will be made part of WFPL’s local history collection. Learn more: watertownlib.org/mytruestory
Want to stay in the loop? WFPL’s eNewsletter is the best way to learn about everything that the Library has to offer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sign up at watertownlib.org/eNews
About WFPL: The Watertown Free Public Library provides access to a wide variety of popular materials, resources, services, and programs that fulfill the informational, cultural and recreational needs of Watertown and surrounding communities. WFPL works to create an environment that attracts and welcomes users of all ages and abilities. watertownlib.org