MassBay Community College Admissions Office is now offering all information sessions and events, previously held in-person, as virtual events. Recognizing the seriousness of social distancing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as the need of many to move to remote services, the College has moved to an online format to speak and interact with prospective students. A MassBay admissions counselor will contact anyone already signed up for an information session with instructions on how to join in virtually.
“We were able to seamlessly shift to hosting information sessions online on March 16 to ensure students still had the opportunity to learn about all of MassBay’s programs,” said MassBay Director of Admissions, Alison McCarty. “We have found that prospective students are enjoying the online format with the ability to submit questions freely and have them answered right away. The feedback has been extremely positive as people are looking ahead to where they might be studying in the summer or fall. We miss meeting everyone in person, but are glad that by keeping everyone safe, we also are helping avoid some commute time on the drive to campus!”
MassBay’s Spring Open House on Saturday, May 2, 2020 will also be held virtually. Anyone interested in attending one of our information sessions or Spring Open House can register at massbay.edu/openhouse.