The Town Council will meeting for the first time since social distancing orders have prevented them from meeting in person. The meeting will be held virtually with the public able to participate by computer or phone.
The agenda includes an update on the Town’s Fiscal 2021 budget, a proposal to move forward with the Parking Management Plan, and a discussion of the proposed contract for the Firefighters union. See the entire agenda by clicking here.
Town Council President Mark Sideris told the Council in March that he will try not to have meetings during the COVID-19 outbreak, in part because it is difficult for the public to participate.
“(We are) trying to keep (the agenda) light as this is the first one this way and I’m trying to be sensitive to the public having access,” Sideris said.
Holding the meeting will allow the budget process to move forward on schedule. Another item on the agenda is approval of funds to remodel two bathrooms at Watertown Middle School.
Tuesday’s meeting will begin at 7 p.m., which is the new starting time for Town Council meetings.
The meeting will be televised through WCATV (Watertown Cable Access
Television): https://wcatv.org/government-channel/
The public may join the virtual meeting online: https://zoom.us/j/686435824 Also, the public can join the virtual meeting audio only by phone: 877-853-5257 or toll free at 888-475-4499 (enter Webinar ID: 686 435 824 #). Comments can also be sent by email to: vpiccirilli@watertown-ma.gov