The Watertown School Committee will hold its scheduled meeting on Monday, March 23, and members of the public can join in by video conference to watch and possibly to participate.
Viewers can join the meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. Monday, using Zoom. This is the first meeting for the School Committee since most others were cancelled due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
School Committee Chair John Portz said members will be at home or some other location and will join in electronically.
“We’re working on the logistics and technical side of this, but I think there will be an opportunity for the public to speak,” Portz said. “We’re also working with (Watertown Cable) to have the Zoom session live on cable.”
Normally, remote meetings, or even participation by a single member, would not be allowed under the Watertown bylaws and the State’s Open Meeting Law. As a response to the Coronavirus outbreak, Gov. Baker made an order that suspended the part of the law that requires boards to conduct meetings in a public place that is open and physically accessible to the public.
The meeting agenda includes a presentation about the e-learning opportunities for students while schools are closed for the Coronavirus. Also, the personnel plan while schools are closed and a budget transfer for renovations of the Phillips Building. The former school is being turned into an early education center (preschool and PreK) during the rebuilding of Hosmer School. See the entire agenda by clicking here.
To join by Zoom click here. The Meeting ID is 999 130 322, and the Password is 527159.
The meeting will also be broadcast on Watertown Cable — Channel 99 on Comcast and Channel 13 on RCN — and streamed online at https://wcatv.org/. It will also be taped and posted on the Watertown Public Schools website (https://www.watertown.k12.ma.us/).
There is a most important agenda for Monday’s school committee meeting! Due to the pandemic there can be no audience.
The announcement states the public can join . I know the intent is in good faith -but all public cannot join in.
I believe this meeting should be postponed .
Many do not have technical access.
Like many other Watertown residents, I do not have cable.
As all residents cannot attend –as all residents cannot participate in the meeting – to hear the full presentations and views -and votes – unable to voice opinions – the meeting should be postponed .
It does not provide public access to all regarding important decisions voted. Those without cable will learn about these agenda items taken up and how the school
Committee voted after the fact.
We are a government “of the People”. To hold a meeting in the announced manner does not provide public access to all regarding important public information to all -to -“all People”. Many will Be uninformed until after these matters have all been discussed and voted .
Again I respectfully ask that this school committee meeting be postponed .
Thank you for your consideration
. Please postpone this important meeting.