(CORRECTION: It was incorrectly stated in a previous version of the story that the March 23 School Committee meeting will be cancelled. It will be held remotely.)
The Town of Watertown will not be holding meetings for the next few weeks as a precaution against the Coronavirus, and Town Hall and the Department of Public Works Facility are the latest to close to public visitors.
Town Council President Mark Sideris said all meetings through April 6. Town Manager Michael Driscoll also announced that Town Hall and the Department of Public Works will be closed through April 6, and asked residents to call or email if they need to contact town officials.
Town Meetings
On Monday, Sideris informed the Town Council that he was cancelling meetings. Sideris wrote:
In light of the current state of emergency declared by Governor Baker and the limits placed on public gatherings, and in an abundance of caution, please let the Town Councilors know, through this email, that I am cancelling all Town Council activities, at least until April 6th, including the meeting on the 24th, and request that all subcommittees that have scheduled meetings cancel them as well. As the leaders of this community we need to show how seriously we are taking this pandemic and don’t want to risk harm to the general public as well.
Thank you,
Mark Sideris
Some of the meetings cancelled included the March 24 Town Council meeting, and the March 18 School Building Committee meeting.
Town Services Closed
Town Manager Michael Driscoll announced that Town Hall and the DPW Facility will be closed to in-person business through April 6. The Town already closed the Watertown Public Schools, the Watertown Free Public Library and Recreation Department events and facilities (including the John A. Ryan Arena).
Driscoll sent out an announcement (read the whole announcement here) that included the following information:
Town Hall will be closed to the public. Town Hall and the Department of Public Works. Administrative Offices will now be available only by phone or online. All calls and emails will be responded to Monday through Friday 8:30am-5:00pm.
Visit the Department directory for phone numbers (click here).
This includes the following Town Offices:
- Town Manager, TownMgr@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6465
- Senior Center, SeniorCenter@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6490
- Recreation Office, Recreation@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6494
- DPW Administrative, DPW1@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 617-972-6420
- Inspectional Services, buildinginspector@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6480
- Treasurer/Collector, Treas&Collectors@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6450
- Assessor, Assessor@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6410
- Town Clerk/Vital Records, TownClerks@watertown-ma.gov, (617) 972-6486
Emergency Management Team
The Town of Watertown Emergency Management Team continues to meet daily to monitor the developments in the outbreak of the coronavirus. We have used these meetings to keep an organized flow of information and to develop strategies to best respond to the needs of our community. We will continue to update the community through the Watertown Health Department’s web page. https://www.watertown-ma.gov/965/CORONAVIRUS
Parking Passes
Town officials announced that Business Parking Permits issued by the Town will be valid even past April 6, 2020. For questions call 617-972-6453 or go to the Town Website.