The Watertown Recreation Department has closed its facilities around town, including fields, courts, tot lots and dog parks, as a precaution during the outbreak of the Coronavirus.
Recreation Director Peter Centola sent out the following announcement:
Please be advised that all fields, courts, track, tot lots and dog parks in Watertown are closed immediately due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis.
Please adhere to this request and follow all guidelines by the Watertown Health Department and all governmental agencies.
On Friday, the Town announced that all Recreation activities and permits had been cancelled through the end of March. Also, officials announced the closing of the John A. Ryan Skating Arena, along with other town facilities such as the Library and the Senior Center.
I get restricting play on the park structures for fear that a virus is there and will be picked up but not allowing people to use the fields, track, etc seems a bit much.
Are any other cities and towns doing this? I haven’t seen or heard any that are restricting field access. What happens if someone is walking the track?
Watertown seems to have really dropped the ball on handling this crisis. YES, it is new to all of us but some cities and towns have really gotten more out in front of it with daily updates, messages from their Mayors, and so on. Our schools should have done a better job also. They seem to have waited until they saw what all the other communities were doing before taking action. Very reactive and not so proactive.