The following announcement was provided by Minuteman High School:
Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical High School will be closed through Friday, March 20, due to ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns, joining numerous other school districts in the region that have cancelled classes as a precautionary measure.
This afternoon (Friday), Minuteman administrators were notified that one student, who resides in Arlington, is under self-quarantine after being exposed to an individual who tested positive for COVID-19. The student is not exhibiting any symptoms.
Superintendent-Director Edward A. Bouquillon issued the following email to all students, families, and staff this afternoon:
Dear Minuteman High School Community:
We are writing to provide you several important updates about what Minuteman is doing to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in our school and communities. We continue to ask our students, staff, and families to visit Minuteman’s coronavirus web page for updates. Several important announcements are outlined below.
- One Minuteman student from Arlington is under self-quarantine after coming into contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19. We were notified of this information this afternoon, Friday, March 13. The student is not exhibiting symptoms and is under quarantine as a precaution.
- Minuteman High School will be closed for students and faculty through Friday, March 20. Administrative staff are to report to work.
- Minuteman Community Education and Minuteman Technical Institute afternoon and evening programming is cancelled through Friday, March 20. Students and parents will receive notifications from program directors with additional information.
- Minuteman High School is providing online learning lessons to students on days school is closed.
- Our teachers received training this week on how to use online learning tools in the event of a prolonged closure.
- Students must check their Minuteman.org email accounts by Monday for messages from teachers about online learning activities.
- Teachers will be assigning a minimum of two online assignments each week per class to keep students engaged and connected to the curriculum. Students are expected to participate in these learning activities.
- Students, faculty, and staff are required to use their Minuteman.org email accounts when participating in online learning or any school communication.
- Anyone in need of technical support may call 781-243-3802.
- We have and will continue to provide resources for any student who lacks technology or internet access at home.
- High school students participating in co-op/off-site work opportunities are to report to those job sites unless their employer states otherwise.
- If you are a student who needs access to food during school closures, visit our website to find an organization in your town that will provide free food. Minuteman is donating much of its school meals to several of these agencies to assist our students and other people who need it.
- We are continuing to engage in deep cleaning of our facility.
- Everyone should continue to practice proper hygiene and social distancing to prevent the spread of coronavirus and any airborne virus, including the common cold and flu. This includes washing your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds, covering your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or sleeve, staying away from people who are sick, and staying home if you are sick.
- If you are exhibiting symptoms consistent with the coronavirus (COVID-19), which include cough, fever, or shortness of breath, you should stay at home and contact your primary care physician. Given the highly contagious nature or COVID-19, you should call you doctor before attempting to receive medical care in person.
- If a physician determines that you have COVID-19, were exposed, or potentially exposed, he/she will contact your local board of health, who would be in contact with Minuteman. Minuteman encourages any student, staff member, or parent who is at risk to share this information with us.
We will continue to update our students, families, and staff via email and the Minuteman coronavirus website with additional information as warranted. Any school closures would be reported by email, our website, Twitter and Facebook accounts, and local TV stations.
We thank you for helping us do our collective part to help stop or slow the spread of coronavirus in our school and our communities. We continue to monitor this highly evolving situation and remain in contact with local and state officials as we continuously evaluate and determine our courses of action at Minuteman. We thank you for your continued understanding and support.
Edward A. Bouquillon, PhD
SuperintendentMinuteman High School
Why are the 7 admins required to go to work when no one else has to go? That isn’t even a safe environment for them.
I would like to know the rationale behind that decision. I find it infuriating!