The following announcement was provided by Minuteman High School:
Minuteman High School will hold an after-school program for middle school students in March that provides an opportunity to explore hands-on, project-based, career and technical education, which will expose students to the career majors Minuteman has to offer.
Registration is now open for the Career Pathway Program for Middle Schoolers, which will be held Mondays and Wednesdays in March — March 9, 11, 16, and 18 — from 4:15-6:15 p.m. This program provides bus transportation from each in-district middle school to and from Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical High School, 258 Marrett Road (Route 2A), Lexington.
The Career Pathway Program for Middle Schoolers provides the following courses, which mirror those offered to Minuteman’s high school students:
- Culinary Arts and Hospitality: Students will be exposed to project-based learning in the fields of culinary and baking inside Minuteman’s new stainless-steel kitchen and bakery.
- Trades and Transportation: This pathway allows students to spend one day in each of Minuteman’s four trades and transportation career majors: electrical, carpentry/construction, automotive, and plumbing/heating. Students will participate in hands-on projects in each career major.
- Digital Arts and Design: Students will engage with Minuteman’s computer-based career majors of multimedia engineering, design and visual communications, and programming and web development. Students will be introduced to video production, java script programming, animation, and microcontroller emulators.
- Engineering and Production: Students will experience Minuteman’s four engineering and production career majors: advanced manufacturing, robotics, engineering and automation, and welding/metal fabrication.
- Health and Human Services: Students will learn skills in three key fields that involve caring for the public: health assisting, cosmetology, and early education. Students will learn how to use an epi-pen in an emergency situation, how to work with clients in a salon, and how to teach young children in a daycare setting.
- Agriculture, Environmental and Life Sciences: Students will focus heavily on the career majors of biotechnology, horticulture & plant science, and environmental technology. This project-based learning course will include experiments and activities in Minuteman’s biotechnology lab and horticulture and plant science shop.
Students in grades 6, 7, or 8, may attend. The cost is $100 for students who reside in Minuteman’s member communities of Acton, Arlington, Belmont, Bolton, Concord, Dover, Lancaster, Lexington, Needham, and Stow; and $500 for students who reside in non-member towns.
Transportation will be provided for students in each in-district middle school. Seats are limited to 12 students per program.
For more information, visit the Minuteman Community Education website; call 781-861-7150; or email communityed@minuteman.org.