The following announcement came from the Town of Watertown:
Watertown encourages active transportation — walking, biking and transit — to help reduce congestion, and improve both air quality and public health. The Watertown Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan will help achieve those goals by identifying and prioritizing future improvements to the Town’s streets and walkways, making it easier for people of all ages and abilities to choose more active forms of transportation.
The plan will identify new and improved bicycle and pedestrian connections in Watertown and to the region’s larger active transportation network, to help people get where they want to go easily and safely, and car-free.
The Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee also provided the following information:
The Town of Watertown is developing a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The Plan will establish short and long term goals to improve upon the Town’s pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure, policies, and programs, and will make recommendations on how to reach identified goals. Implementation of this plan will make transportation safer and more convenient within Watertown and to neighboring towns for all users, improve the Town vibrancy, and expand transportation mode choices.
Public input is critical to the creation of the plan. If you live in, work in, or travel through Watertown, we want to hear from YOU! There are multiple ways to participate, including completing this short survey.
The survey is divided into a series of questions related to walking, biking, and demographic information and should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. This survey will be posted online until Monday February 10th 2020, so please share the link via social media and email.
Information collected is confidential and will be used solely for developing the Watertown Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan.
Thank you for your participation!
See the survey here: https://tinyurl.com/watertownbikeped
With all the bike lanes taking up our streets I think it’s only fair that cyclist share in the expense and pay an excise tax as do owners of M/V
Can you post survey link
Yes, sorry, the link has been added.
You wrote this article and didn’t include the link???
Please publish the link to the survey
Link is dead and says it’s not accepting responses at this time.
As far as excise tax for bikes, show me the road wear and tear they cause and we’ll talk then.