The following information was provided by the Community Preservation Committee:
The Community Preservation Act (CPA) in Watertown raises funds through a 2% percent surcharge on local property taxes and a variable annual distribution from the MA Community Preservation Trust Fund. There are four eligible project funding categories: community housing; open space; outdoor recreation; and historic preservation.
It is mandated that 10% of funds generated annually must be designated to each category. Please note funding for open space and recreation is a combined category. Up to 5% may be used for administration and the remaining 65% may be allocated among the project categories.
The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) is responsible for:
- studying Watertown’s needs, resources, and possibilities to develop a preservation plan;
- establishing an application process to obtain project proposals, vet proposals, and make recommendations for projects to be funded; and
- keeping records of all CPC meetings, proposals, recommendations, and budgetary reports.
Next steps: Get involved and learn more about the CPC’s planning process and progress.
- Take the Survey: Go to our website watertowncpa.org and take our online survey. Collecting community input multiple ways is vital to a strong engagement process. This survey will help us identify CPA-related priorities and potential CPA-eligible project ideas. The survey will be open until March 31, 2020.
- About the Project: Read the informational materials. Learn about the project’s objectives, timeline, and key dates as well as the CPA in general.
- Project Resources: Our on-line library includes relevant planning documents e.g., the Open Space & Recreation Plan, the Comprehensive Plan, and the Housing Production Plan. You will also find resource profiles, maps, and ongoing products of our planning process. New material will be added regularly.
- Map Your Ideas: Using this tool you can identify spatial needs and opportunities in town. Detailed instructions are provided on the site.
- Be a CPC Ambassador: Spread the word to your friends and neighbors and talk us up. Remember projects will be funded with your tax dollars. Get informed, get involved.
If you have any questions please contact Lanae Handy, CP Coordinator at lhandy@watertown-ma.gov