The company seeking to open a marijuana dispensary on Pleasant Street on the Westside of Watertown will hold a community meeting about the project on Feb. 6.
The announcement was provided by Bud’s Goods & Provisions Corp., the firm seeking to open the adult-use marijuana dispensary at 330-350 Pleasant St.
The dispensary would be part of the new mixed-use development going up near the intersection of Pleasant Street and Rosdale Road. According to the presentation sent to the Town, Bud’s would occupy a 5,000 sq. ft. commercial space and share the 172 parking spaces for the entire site.
Representatives from Bud’s estimate the dispensary would add more than $700,000 annually to the Town of Watertown’s revenues with a half coming from local taxes and half provided as part of the host community agreement (HCA) signed with the Town.
The presentation also touches on security, prevention of diversion of marijuana to minors and plans to prevent the dispensary from becoming a nuisance to the community.
The project must be approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals. The ballot question that legalized adult use (also called recreational) marijuana prevents the Town from denying all recreational marijuana dispensaries. It does, however, allow the number to be limited to one-tenth of the number of liquor licenses in Town, which in Watertown’s case is three.
The dispensary is one of two proposals recommended by the Town Council’s Economic Development & Planning Committee to be allowed in Town. The other location is at 48 North Beacon St. in the former Anthony’s Florist location. Town officials have already approved a dispensary at 23 Elm Street, near Arsenal Street in East Watertown.
The following announcement was sent out by Bud’s Goods & Provisions Corp.:
Notice is hereby given that Bud’s Goods & Provisions Corp will hold a Community Outreach Meeting on Thursday, February 6th in the Conference Room on the first floor at the Watertown Police Department Building located at 522 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472. The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM and will include discussion about the proposed siting of an Adult Use Marijuana Retail Establishment at 330-350 Pleasant Street, Watertown, MA 02472 in accordance with M.G.L. ch. 94G and the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission’s regulations at 935 CMR 500.000 et seq.
Topics to be discussed at the meeting will include, but not be limited to:
- The type(s) of Adult-Use Marijuana Establishment(s) to be located at the proposed address;
- Plans for maintaining a secure facility;
- Plans to prevent diversion to minors;
- Plans to positively impact the community; and
- Plans to ensure the establishment will not constitute a nuisance to the community
(The presentation can be seen by clicking this link).
Interested members of the community are encouraged to ask questions and receive answers from company representatives about the proposed facility and operations.
A copy of this notice has been published in a local newspaper at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the meeting and filed with the appropriate City entities. This notice was also mailed at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the meeting to all abutters and to all residents within 300 feet of the property line of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list.
Bud’s Goods & Provisions
Gregory Czarnowski
VP of Community Relations