The following information came from the Watertown Public Schools:
Watertown Public Schools is collaborating with PTO’s and C-STEAM Futures to host a FREE, Innovative, 3 day, Parent-Child February vacation camp for students in grades 3-5.
The WPS Family STEAM+CS (Science Technology, Engineering, Art and Math + Computer Science) program is designed to engage children in the interdisciplinary world of STEAM & Computer Science and aim at engaging them in hands-on creative problem solving and computational thinking.
Activities include:
- Introduction to Basics of 3D Modeling & Printing
- Designing interactive circuits with Makey Makey
- Introduction to important coding and STEM concepts with Osmo Awbie and Scratch Jr.
- Designing a Fitbit prototype using Micro Bit microcontroller
Seats are limited so we urge you to please register soon.
Registration Link:
Registration link will be open until February 5th.