Local artist, Audrey Jones Childs, is offering classed in drawing and watercolor painting. See more information below.
Contact Audrey Childs at ajc538@comcast.net for further information and needed supplies.
First Baptist Church of Belmont. 129 Lexington Street, Belmont, MA Thursday Evenings 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM. A Great Way to Relax! Learn to draw or perfect your drawing skills.
Does your drawing look like your subject? Are you happy with the layout you prepped for coloring with any medium? Classes and guided projects will include exercises to train hand and eye coordination that will aid in capturing an improved drawing of your subject; the use of line (edges); tone (light and shadow); space (negative and positive); and relationships (perspective, proportion, etc.).
The drawing class is aimed at beginners, intermediate level, as well as experienced students who want a refresher on fundamental drawing skills and/or to spend time drawing with other classmates. No previous drawing experience is needed. Join and have fun! A supply list will be provided. Cost $10/per class with a 3-week commitment. The class runs weekly indefinitely. Contact Audrey at ajc538@comcast.net to register.
Beech Street Center (Belmont Council on Aging), 266 Beech Street, Belmont, MA. Mondays (January 6, 13, 27; February 2, 10, 24) 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Learn how to paint with watercolor paints. Students will learn how to use and control their paints effectively. Methods will include using a dry brush and what effects a paper towel and a porous sponge can create. The class is designed to help the student gain confidence with the medium.
Beginners will learn the fundamental techniques of watercolor. Intermediate students will have new challenges with an emphasis on exploring techniques. Basic drawing skills recommended, but not required. Students will be responsible for providing their own supplies. A supply list will be provided ahead of the first class. Cost: $70. Contact the Center to register, 617-993-2970.
Beech Street Center (Belmont Council on Aging), 266 Beech Street, Belmont, MA Fridays (January 10 – February 14) 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
A Great Way to Relax! Learn to draw or perfect your drawing skills. Does your drawing look like your subject? Are you happy with the layout you prepped for coloring with any medium? Classes and guided projects will include exercises to train hand and eye coordination that will aid in capturing an improved drawing of your subject; the use of line (edges); tone (light and shadow); space (negative and positive); and relationships (perspective, proportion, etc.).
The drawing class is aimed at beginners, intermediate level, as well as experienced students who want a refresher on fundamental drawing skills and/or to spend time drawing with other classmates. No previous drawing experience is needed. Join and have fun! A supply list will be provided. Cost: $70. Contact the Center to register 617-993-2970.