With the holidays over, it’s time to take down the tree and get rid of the styrofoam packaging. The Watertown Department of Public Works can help you with both of these tasks.
Christmas trees will be picked up from the curbside on your regular trash collection day through the month of January. Please no ornaments or plastic bags. The trees will be chipped.
The DPW will hold a styrofoam recycling event on Saturday, Jan. 4, 2020, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. The event is at the Recycle Center on Green River Way in Watertown (just off Waltham Street).
Watertown residents will will also have a chance to shred paper and to get rid of tires (no rims). I.D. will be required. It is not open to businesses or commercial entities.
No packing peanuts or coffee cups will be accepted.
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