Watertown High School Principal Shirley Lundberg announced she will be retiring at the end of the 2019-20 school year. Her successor will be selected after a process that will begin in December and end in February.
Lundberg is in her seventh year leading WHS. She announced her retirement to her staff in the spring and to parents in the first newsletter of the new school year.
“This school year will be my last with Watertown, as at the end of it I intend to join my husband in retirement. He actually retired 6 years ago – the same year that I came to WHS. Thank you for all I have learned and gained from each of you, and I look forward to a fabulous year!” Lundberg wrote.
Superintendent Dede Galdston said that Lundberg has done good work at the school.
“I am just so appreciative of the work that Shirley has done, and she has set up the next person quite well the be successful in Watertown,” Galdston said.
One of the main things on the next principal’s agenda will be the renovation or rebuilding of the high school. That is one of the reasons why Galdston said she would like to have someone on board soon.
“The high school project is coming up, and it will be key for the new principal to be part of the process,” Galdston said.
She is hopeful to get some quality candidates with the chance to help shape the new school.
“It such an exiting opportunity for a high school principal to come into Watertown,” Galdston said.
The process of hiring the next principal will begin in December. The Watertown Public Schools will take applications between Dec. 6 and Jan. 10, Galdston said.
Also in December, a screening committee will be formed to review the applications and put forward a group of applicants for the initial interviews. The screening committee will include students, teachers, support staff, a member of the teacher’s union, a parent, a principal, a curriculum coordinator, an assistant principal, the Director of Student Services Kathleen Desmarais, a member of the School Committee and a community member.
The screening Committee will meet in January to go over the application packets, and interviews will be held on week of Jan. 21-24, 2020.
“Depending on the number of finalists, we will do interviews and in district interviews the last week of January,” Galdston said. “If necessary, the first week of February we will do (the candidates’) district visits.”
The goal, Galdston said, is to choose someone by Feb. 11, so the process is completed before the February Vacation.