The following information announcement was provided by the Watertown Town Democratic Committee:
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren was the choice of Faire-goers for the Democratic nomination for President in the Watertown Democratic Town Committee’s annual straw poll at Saturday’s Faire on the Square. The home-state senator won 49 percent of the nearly 150 votes cast, while former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden came in a distant second with 19 percent.
The poll was held at the Democratic Town Committee’s table at Watertown’s annual Faire on the Square, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2019. Participants were asked to choose between the declared candidates in the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary.
Coming in third place with 9 percent of the vote was South Bend Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, followed closely by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders with 8 percent. Former tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang rounded out the top five with 5 percent of the vote. Other candidates receiving votes were New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, California Senator Kamala Harris, Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar, former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke and finally former hedge fund manager and environmental activist Tom Steyer. Full results are available on the Town Committee’s Facebook page: facebook.com/watertowndems.
“We do a straw poll at the Faire every year, and it’s something that people really look forward to,” said Steve Owens, chair of the Democratic Town Committee. “This year Democrats and Independents are ready to rally around a candidate who sanity and integrity back to the White House. The most common comment we got from voters was that this was a tough choice between many good candidates and the most important thing was to win next November.”
While the poll is not intended to be scientific, Mr. Owens pointed out that winners of the Committee’s straw poll have frequently gone on to win in Watertown. “We have a very good track record of reflecting the feelings of the Watertown electorate,” he said. Bernie Sanders won the straw poll held at the Faire four years ago and went on to win Watertown by less than 100 votes in the March 2016 Presidential Primary.
Members of the Committee represent the Democratic Party at the local neighborhood level, promote the Party platform and work for the nomination and election of Democrats. Under Massachusetts General Law, Democratic Committees reorganize every four years.
“We’re always looking for interested Democrats,” said Mr. Owens. Being on the Watertown Democratic Committee is a great way to meet people who share your interests and passions.”
The Committee meets monthly. Its next meeting will be Wednesday, Oct. 30 at 7:00 p.m. in the Lucia Mastrangelo room of the Watertown Free Public Library. For more information, please contact watertowndems@gmail.com.