The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Board of Assessors. Changes to tax rates will be shown on the third quarter tax bill, which comes out at the end of 2019:
The Board of Assessors is required by Massachusetts General Law to reassess all properties and have those values certified by the Department of Revenue every five years. The Board of Assessors’ staff and Patriot Properties recently completed a town-wide reassessment and have submitted new property values for preliminary certification.
New assessments must reflect “Full and Fair Cash Value” based on property sales in calendar year 2018. The valuation date for Fiscal Year 2020 is January 1, 2019.
The Revaluation resulted in average percent increases in value as follows:
Residential Property 11.5%
Commercial Property 11.5%
Industrial Property 11.6%
Tax Rates will be lowered as a result of these increases but will not be finalized until late November.
If you are interested in seeing your new property value, reviewing information, have questions or concerns, this is an opportunity to get those answered prior to final certification. Preliminary property values are available for review commencing September 30, 2019 through October 9, 2019. New assessments are available on the Town’s Website: www.watertown-ma.gov/61/Assessor, and at the Assessor’s Office (149 Main Street), Library (123 Main Street) and Senior Center (31 Marshall Street).
As part of the Public Disclosure process, inquiries can be made at the Assessor’s Office (149 Main Street), telephone @ 617-972-6410 or by email Assessors@watertown-ma.gov Office Hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Tuesday until 7 p.m.