This September, Watertown’s Hatch Makerspace will have a variety of events, from the Congressional App Challenge, a drawing class and get your costume ready for Halloween.
Watertown Free Public Library Hatch is located at 20 Summer St., Watertown. Hours: Monday-Thursday, 1-9 p.m., Friday-Sunday 1-4 p.m.
Hours are updated regularly online: watertownlib.org/hatch
The following information about events and classes were provided by Hatch:
Congressional App Challenge – Code It with Hatch!
Congresswoman Katherine Clark’s office is excited to announce that the Massachusetts 5th district is moving forward with the Congressional App Challenge (CAC), an app competition for students in middle and high school. For further information about the Congressional App Challenge, please visit www.CongressionalAppChallenge.us.
Join experts at Hatch Makerspace by the WFPL to learn about the CAC. We’ll explore different programming languages, useful resources, and how to get started.
Workshop spotlight: Art Studio – Drawing from Life
Join local artist, Jo Nana, a talented illustrator who focuses on abstracted human anatomy. Learn to draw from life using still life props. Participants will learn how to draw value, or contrast from light to dark, using charcoal, pastels, and graphite.
Learn more about the artist: https://www.jonanajian.com
Workshop spotlight: Make Your Own Canjo!
Canjo! Can + banjo = canjo! The canjo is a one stringed musical instrument that anyone can make and anyone can play. A quick and simple build, you will learn the basics of constructing a fretted stringed instrument. Bring a clean can, any can will do!
It’s not too early to plan your costume!
Join our 2nd annual costume contest, hosted by our friends at the Plumbing Museum. This event is fun for all ages and boasts great local prizes. Stay tuned for more details in October!
Upcoming Workshops & Events
9/3, Art Studio: Drawing from Life 9/4, Vinyl Cutter 101 9/5, Laser Cutter 101 9/7, Intro to 3D Modeling for Adults 9/7, Intro to 3D Modeling for Kids 9/8, Make Your Own Canjo 9/9, 3D Printing 101 9/11, Inkscape 101 9/12, Intro to Soldering 9/13, Congressional App Challenge: Code It at Hatch 9/19, Laser Cutter 101 9/19, Chainmail Jewelry 9/21, Chain Reaction: Get Ready for F.A.T! 9/21, Intro to the Sewing Machine 9/23, Sewing Basics: Roll-It-Up Pillowcase 9/25, IoT Development: A Hands-On Introduction 9/26, Tools for Makers 9/30, Arduino 102 Click the links above or visit wfpl.eventbrite.com to register >> |
Drop-ins are weekly themed sessions that are designed to give you insight into the subject matter. This is your opportunity to ask questions and learn from our volunteers, they are not workshops.
Mondays 3-6pm, Fiber Arts
Need help with that sewing project? Haven’t picked up your knitting needles in awhile? Get help or get started.
Tuesdays 6:30-9pm, Electronics for Music
Curious about electronics? Want to learn how to turn an electric current into sound? For beginners and pros.
Wednesdays 7-9pm, Mechatronics
Exploring Arduino, Raspberry PI, motion control, and sensor technologies together. Bring, brainstorm, and build.
Thursdays 6-9pm, Open Code
Get help coding with Python, OpenSCAD, LEGO Mindstorms, HTML, CSS, and more. For beginners and pros.