Repaving of Common Street Will Close Several Watertown Streets for a Week

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Watertown DPW

The Watertown Department of Public Works is remodeling Common Street and surrounding streets.

The Watertown Department of Public Works is remodeling Common Street and surrounding streets.

The following information was provided by the Watertown DPW:

Beginning Wednesday, Aug. 7 the Common Street project will enter an important phase. At that time, road reclamation (pulverization) of the road base, roadway fine grading, and paving of the binder (first) course of pavement is planned for Common Street (Columbia Street through and including the Orchard Street intersection) and Katherine Road (from Common Street to Church Street).

Weather permitting, this phase of work will take approximately one week to complete.

To aid in completing the work and provide a safe construction area, the entire work area will be closed to vehicular traffic during work hours (7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), including abutters.

  • Orchard Street at Waverley Ave. will be closed, except local access
  • Common Street will be closed, from Belmont Street to Bellevue Road, except local access
  • Common Street will be closed from Mt. Auburn Street to Columbia Street with no access
  • Church Street at Summer Street will be closed, except local access
  • Spring Street at Summer Street will be closed, except local access
A map of the roads impacted by the repaving project on Common Street, via Google Maps.

We strongly recommend that motorists who typically use Common Street and Orchard Street seek alternate routes during this phase of the work.

Due to the nature of the work, abutters will not have driveway access during working hours. We recommend parking legally on neighboring streets. We have also worked with the School Department to allow parking in the High School and Phillips School parking lots for this phase. The Police Department has been notified of the special conditions related to this work and will not enforce the 2-hour parking limit in the area.

The road surface will be left in an interim state without the roundabout traffic pattern. The new traffic pattern will be implemented as curbing and sidewalk work proceeds later this season. The roundabout is expected to be operational, with curb and sidewalk work on Common Street completed, by the end of the season.

Reconstruction of Orchard Street Extension and the remainder of Columbia Street, also included in the Common Street project, will be performed at a later date.

We understand that this critical process will be disruptive and inconvenient to the neighborhood and appreciate your patience. Please contact DPW at 617-972-6420 if you have any questions or concerns.

The project web-site can be accessed at:

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