The following information was provided by Watertown for All Ages:
A website to connect people interested in improving life for Watertown residents of all ages and abilities was launched this week by Watertown for All Ages (WAA), a grassroots non-profit organization.
“We hope people will visit www.watertownforallages.org to learn more about our group, find resources of interest to older people in Watertown, and sign up to receive occasional email updates about our work,” said Bob Shay, WAA’s President.
Watertown for All Ages is part of an international movement, supported in the U.S. by the AARP, whose aim is to increase the livability of cities and enhance the quality of life for people of all ages. One of the long-term goals of Watertown for All Ages is to help the town achieve recognition as a member of the AARP Age-Friendly Communities Network. Details about the “age-friendly” movement are available on the WAA website.
WAA’s current main focus is its “Transportation Initiative for Seniors” project, which is studying the obstacles older residents face in getting around without a car and developing a set of recommendations to address these obstacles. “Our goal is to help older residents to stay independent, active, and engaged in the community even when they no longer drive,” said Chris Miara, Project Coordinator.
Watertown Savings Bank provided a grant to support the development of the new website. The WAA Transportation Initiative for Seniors is supported by grants from Tufts Health Plan Foundation and Watertown Community Foundation.
For more information, visit the WAA website (www.watertownforallages.org) or contact WAA by e-mail (info@watertownforallages.org) or by phone (857-228-4821).