On Saturday, April 27, members and supporters of Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice & the Environment again participated in the annual Charles River Cleanup. The general impression is that there was less trash this year; the ban on single-use thin plastic shopping bags works!
However, we were appalled to discover a nearby stretch of property being used as a dumping ground for construction debris. Old windows, carpeting, tiles among other trash were among the objects we found. This was too much for us to be able to remove. We contacted our town councilor Kenneth Woodland. He and State Representative John Lawn visited the area with us, and with the Community Development and Planning office, took action. The property has now been cleaned up.
We would like to thank our town councilor, Kenneth Woodland, our state representative John Lawn and the Community Development and Planning office of Watertown for the very effective response to our concerns. The area has now been cleaned up, and next spring when we again do our annual Charles River Cleanup. day, we are sure that this area will be no more littered than any other letter. So thank you to our elected representatives and our town employees for responding to our concerns so promptly.
Jeanne Trubek
Katherine Button
Mary O’Neill- Baker
Watertown Residents
How about the people using the river as a living space with hammocks on a tree or the encampment across from 600 Memorial Drive near the B.U. Bridge with a large tent for 10 people and trash, clothes drying on ropes and who knows what going into the Charles?
Sounds like a problem, but this is a Watertown group. Maybe there is a Cambridge group which can tackle that.
Big Thanks to those involved in the clean up. Having the Charles run through town is certainly a plus for Watertown. BUT I have noticed something over the past year. The parking lot on Pleasant Street that allows for 2 Hour Parking has now been taken over by commuters leaving their cars all day and the office buildings nearby. Don’t believe, just go visit the parking lot for yourself and see if you can find a space.
I have been down there for morning jogs and have seen car after car pull in, take briefcases, backpacks, etc out of their car and walk in the direction of the office buildings and/or the Watertown yard for buses. Not very fair to those of us that want to use the pathway for a stroll, bike ride, etc.
For any councilors reading this. Could you please look into this?
I think you are referring to the lots near the Ryan Arena skating rink. That is MA State property under the jurisdiction of the MA DCR. I am certain that if you contact the DCR directly or call Governor Charlie Faker’s office you would see immediate tickets and strong fines for all the perpetrating offenders. No branch of the MA municipal government would would ever pass up on an opportunity to grab/steal more revenue at any time or at any place! They desperately need more funding to cover the costs of the forever growing entitlement programs that they support to lure voters in support of the corrupt liberal Democratic dictatorship called Massachusetts.
The “Watertown Parent” may be referring to the DCR parking lot on Pleasant Street near the swimming pool and the Watertown dam. I live very close by … and have noticed that the parking lot seems to be used during weekdays for employees at Sasaki (an assumption .. can’t be sure) and/or other nearby office buildings.
I think it’s something that should at least be checked out by the appropriate authority — but I think the WPD may not have jurisdiction.
Anyone else have any thoughts or suggestions?