Watertown residents are invited to come out to the Watertown Moves: Get Out Your Bike event on Saturday, May 11, 2019, 1-3 p.m. at the Watertown Square Dock, Charles River Road at Galen Street Bridge. The rain date is May 19.
Live Well Watertown provided the following information:
Dig your bike out of the basement, garage, or shed and bring it down for a free check-up! Meet representatives from Watertown’s Bike & Pedestrian Committee, Live Well Watertown, Watertown’s Transportation Management Association (TMA), and Lime, whose bike share program now has all electric-assist.
Learn about Watertown’s active and healthy transportation programs & initiatives! Pick up information on bike safety & commuting, and a map for cycling along the Charles River, in Watertown and beyond. Venture out along the pathways and enjoy the spring scenery! Free giveaways for participants.
This program is sponsored by Live Well Watertown, a Health Department program, and in collaboration with the Watertown Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee.
For more information, contact: Stephanie Venizelos, Community Wellness Program Manager: svenizelos@watertown-ma.gov, www.livewellwatertown.org