The following information was provided by the Watertown Police Department.
April 17, 9:39 p.m.: An officer patrolling on Arsenal Street spotted a blue Jeep with a defective taillight. The vehicle also weaved around the lane. The vehicle was pulled over and the officer detected signs that the woman driving was under the influence of alcohol, including and odor of alcohol. Field sobriety tests were given and the officer determined the driver was under the influence of alcohol. The 35-year-old Watertown woman was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and was cited for an equipment violation and marked lanes violation.
April 16, 1:51 p.m.: Security at CVS in Watertown Square spotted a man come in and put multiple bottles of lotion into a backpack and leave the store without paying. The suspect is described as an African-American man, wearing jeans, a black sweatshirt, a black backpack, and a baseball hat with a “B” on the front. The items taken were worth an estimated $100.
April 18, 10:19 a.m.: A Standish Road resident discovered that a 2012 Toyota Prius was broken into, and the glove compartment and center console were rummaged through. It did not appear that anything was taken. The car had been left unlocked.
April 18, 12:48 p.m.: A 2018 Subaru Outback was broken into on Boylston Street overnight. Some change and a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses were missing. The owner was not sure if she had left the vehicle unlocked, but there were not signs of forced entry. The glasses were worth $150.
April 19, 6 p.m.: Police received a call from The Gables apartment building on Arsenal Street about a deliberately flattened tire. The resident found nails around an assigned tenant parking spot. A nail punctured one of the car’s tires and flattened it. The resident said this was the second time that situation had occurred. Police are investigating.
April 19, 8:14 p.m.: A Quirk Street resident discovered his 2014 Ford Fusion had been broken into sometime between April 18 and 19. A laptop computer was missing that was worth about $200. It was in a cloth laptop case along with a mouse and other peripheral items. The resident was not sure exactly when and where the vehicle was broken into because stops had been made at a couple places in Watertown and one in Newton during that time. He did not notice the laptop was gone until April 19.
April 20, 5:03 p.m.: A woman purchased groceries from Target and took them out in a carriage. The wheels of the carriage lock when they get too far from the store, and the woman’s car was farther out than the carriage would go. The woman left the carriage to go move her car closer, but when she got back the groceries were missing. The items were worth $117. Police are investigating.