Soil Borings to be Taken on Multiple Watertown Streets

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Multiple streets in Watertown will be impacted by exploratory boring beginning April 22.

The Department of Public Works announced that Pine Street, Essex Street, Nash Street and Oak Street will be the locations of bore drilling beginning Monday, April 22, at 7 a.m. Work, to be done by New England Geotech, is expected to last until 5 p.m. and occur over two days.

“Disturbances to residents are anticipated to be minor, but residents may notice elevated short-term noise levels and equipment working,” according to the DPW announcement.

Two-inch bores will be taken to test soil. Each bore takes between 1-3 hours to complete. The holes will be backfilled, and the surface will be restored, according to the DPW.

Anyone with questions or concerns can call Weston & Sampson at 978-532-1900 ext. 2435, or the Department of Public Works at 617-972-6420 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.

See more details about the project by going here:

6 thoughts on “Soil Borings to be Taken on Multiple Watertown Streets

    • Elodia Thomas – thanks for asking the obvious question — the “why” should have been included in the article. At the moment, a few guesses would be surveying watertable activity, or possibly toxicity levels from nearby (or historical) uses of the land or street-creation or -maintenance materials; or evidence of gasline leaks; or pesticide use (e.g., in the 50s, many neighborhoods were sprayed widely with DDT, which tends to stay in soil for a long time). Another guess might be to assess the solidity of the ground under the street toward dealing with pothole creation or prevention. Or perhaps someone buried all their grandmother’s jewelry and can’t remember exactly where. In other words, the absence of information, there will be speculation.

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