The following information was provided by the Watertown Police Department.
March 11, 4:04 p.m.: Watertown Police went to a Summer Street home last week to serve a warrant and during the incident a man at the house made threats towards the three officers. The man had also been arrested in 2017 on a gun possession charge. When the officers went to the home on March 10 the man said, “You three officers have guns. If I had one right now, I’d be shooting.” He also spoke about the prior incident and noted that one of the officers the on the 10th was involved in the 2017 arrest. Police got a warrant and went back to the home to arrest him on March 11. When they searched him, he had a serrated utility knife, which is illegal for anyone wanted on a warrant. The 48-year-old Watertown man was arrested on warrant from Waltham District Court for three counts of threats to commit a crime, and one count of intimidating a witness/police, as well as one count of carrying a dangerous weapon.
March 12, 1:33 p.m.: A suspected shoplifter fled Home Depot and he was located by two officers working a detail. The man was seen going into the store and taking a box of tiles off the shelf, and then tried to return it to the customer service desk with a receipt he had with him. The tiles were worth $238.08. The 28-year-old North Attleboro man was arrested on a charge of use of a false sales receipt. Police also found he was wanted for a crime in Rhode Island, and had a fugitive from justice warrant for manufacturing dangerous drugs.
March 13, 1:36 a.m.: Police responded to Franklin Street for a man who was blowing his car horn continuously. The man said another car was blocking his vehicle, so he began honking his horn. The man became upset when police asked him questions, and he began using profanity with the officers. He began to walk toward the officers with a clenched fist, then he spit in one of the officer’s faces, and pushed his chest into the chest of an officer. He was placed under arrest, and when he was being booked at the Police Station he used vulgar language with female officers. The 33-year-old Watertown man was arrested on charges of assault and battery on a police officer and resisting arrest.
March 13, 5:53 a.m.: Police went to a home on Morse Street to serve two warrants. The 26-year-old Watertown man was arrested on two warrants, one from Waltham District Court and one from Cambridge District Court, each was for failure to appear.
March 13, 11:17 a.m.: Police were called to the Super 8 hotel for a man who was refusing to leave after checkout time. When speaking with the man, police found he was wanted on outstanding warrants. The 42-year-old Malden man was arrested on three warrants: one from Somerville District Court for larceny under $1,200; one from Malden District Court for a municipal bylaw violation; and one from Woburn District Court for assault and battery on a police officer, carrying a dangerous weapon, driving with a suspended license, driving with a suspended registration, possession of a Class B drug, and possession of a Class C drug.
March 14, 5:21 p.m.: Two vehicles got into an accident on Arsenal Street at School Street. After investigating, police determined one of the drivers ran a red light heading west on Arsenal Street and struck the other vehicle, which was turning left from School Street onto Arsenal Street. There were no major injuries. When police spoke to the driver of the vehicle that ran the red light, she showed signs of being intoxicated, including having the odor of alcohol on her breath. She failed five field sobriety tests. The 37-year-old New Bedford woman was arrested on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol — a second offense, and failure to stop at a red light.
March 15, 8:31 p.m.: Target security spotted a woman removing price tags from merchandise and put the items in her backpack before walking out of the store. Security stopped her and found $234.25 in items in her bag. She also was wanted on warrants. The 30-year-old homeless woman was arrested on a charge of shoplifting by concealment, and two warrants from Waltham District Coturt, one for larceny under $1,200, and one for shoplifting by concealing merchandise — a third offense.
March 16, 4:23 p.m.: An officer on Mt. Auburn Street queried the plate of a nearby car and found that the registered owner had an arrest warrant. The vehicle was stopped and police confirmed the owner was driving. The 30-year-old Watertown man was arrested on the warrant from Cambridge District Court for failure to restrain a dog.
March 11, 6:43 a.m.: An Uber driver called police saying that a passenger had thrown hot coffee on him. The vehicle struck a bump and the passenger’s coffee spilled on the seat. The driver said he was unhappy and dropped her off on Grove Street, which was not her destination. He alleged that the woman threw hot coffee at his face when he let her out. Police saw some coffee on the seat, but there were not indications that he had got coffee thrown on his face, hair or clothing. Police searched the area for the woman but could not locate her. They advised the driver he could seek charges at the Waltham District Court if he wanted.
March 11, 6:01 p.m.: A vehicle suffered a variety of damage in what appears to be a vandalism incident. The Volvo was parked in a driveway on Summer Street between March 10 and March 11, and the windshield was broken on the passenger side and dents were made on the passenger side front quarter panel, the hood, and the driver side quarter panel. The dents appeared to have been made by a blunt object. It is not known who would have damaged the vehicle.
March 12, 7:58 a.m.: A Fifth Avenue resident discovered his vehicle had been vandalized. He heard an alarm going off that night, but did not realize it was his. When he went out in the morning he found someone had smashed the rear windshield and a bag of yard wast was protruding from the window.
March 12, 11:19 a.m.: Two vehicles parked on Watertown Street were broken into overnight. A resident reported someone took $20 in loose change from her vehicle and $15 in loose change from her father’s vehicle. Both vehicles had been left unlocked.
March 12, 1 p.m.: A car was broken into on Belknap Terrace. The owner believed it happened between 11:45 p.m. on March 11 and midnight on March 12. The owner said $100 in $20 bills was missing. The vehicle had been left unlocked.
March 12, 1 p.m.: A vehicle parked in the driveway of a Fifth Avenue home was broken into. The owner noticed the door was open and $5 in coins was missing. It had been left unlocked.
March 13, 8:35 a.m.: A Mt. Auburn Street business reported that two cell phones had gone missing. On March 8 when they were going to be issued to employees but they were missing. They were iPhone 8 phones worth $800 each. The business is conducting an internal investigation.
March 13, 5:32 p.m.: Two residents reported they had been the victim of an email scam. Both residents, a 30-year-old woman and a 24-year-old woman — attend a college in New Hampshire and they each received emails which they thought came from someone working at the college. They were told they would be paid to take part in a survey. They were sent checks and asked to go to the Apple Store and purchase gift cards. They went and purchased gift cards of the same amount as the check, then scratched off the back and texted the numbers to the person. When they attempted to cash the checks they discovered they were fraudulent.
March 14, 2:31 p.m.: A resident came to the police after realizing she had been scammed. She had been in contact through text messages with someone she thought was from a pharmaceutical company in India and had been offered a job. On March 11 she received a $4,950.50 check which she was supposed to use to set up a home office. She purchased items and also cashed the check. It initially cleared, but later the bank told her it was fraudulent.
March 15, 10:43 p.m.: A Wollitzer Lane resident had purchased a Lenovo laptop on March 9 and left it in her living room. Later, she went to use it but could not find it. She asked her family if they had used it, but they said they had not. She told police that she had recently had work done on her home. Police are investigating.
March 15, 3 p.m.: Police received a call from the downstairs resident of a two-family home on Langdon Avenue reporting that the upstairs unit had been broken into. The front door had been forced open. The upstairs resident was out of town, so police could not determine if anything was missing. Police do not believe the break-in was random, and are working with the upstairs resident on the investigation.
March 15, 6:42 p.m.: A vehicle parked on Westminster Avenue was scratched the entire length of the driver side. It appeared to have been done with a sharp object. The estimated damage was $1,000.
March 16, 9 a.m.: An Evans Street resident reported that multiple vehicles had been broken into overnight. Three vehicles were rummaged through, and all appeared to be unlocked. It is unclear if anything was missing.
March 17, 6:04 p.m.: A man and woman got into an argument at the West End Landromat. The 19-year-old man from Watertown was upset because the 31-year-old Brighton woman had taken his clothes out of a machine without his permission. The argument got heated and they shoved each other. Peace was restored and police told them they could seek charges in Waltham District Court if they wished.
March 17, 6:09 p.m.: A Lexington Street resident realized that cash was missing from a drawer in his home. He said $1,100 in cash was missing. It is not known who might have taken it. Police are investigating.
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