“The Winter Parking Ban is Now Lifted,” announced the Watertown Police Department on its Facebook page on Friday
The ban usually ends at the beginning of April, but Watertown Police Chief Michael Lawn announced the early end of the overnight-parking ban on the streets of Watertown.
Chief Lawn would like to inform you that Watertown has lifted its enforcement of the all night parking ban effective Saturday March 23, 2019.
The Department of Public Works, Police Department and Fire Department would like to remind motorists that keeping the streets clear allows for road repairs, street cleaning and easy access for public safety vehicles. To that end, all Departments encourage residents to make full use of off-street parking when it is available.
(To avoid any confusion, this means we will not be ticketing for all-night parking beginning tonight).
Watertown Police Department Facebook Page
Another year that the parking ban is lifted before the phantom street sweepers have a chance to clean all the winter debris from the streets. I haven’t seen a street sweeper in action on a street in Watertown in years. The DPW claims to have operation equipment available in their garages. If they were to be put in service before lifting the overnight parking ban, maybe we would have much street flooding from clogged storm drains. I guess that would make too much sense.
A wish would be for all nights in Watertown to be car free overnight. It’s so challenging to navigate down some of the streets as folks park on both sides leaving just one lane for travel. If another car comes toward, there’s no place to sidle into to allow them to pass.
And where there is enough room to park on both sides, you get a ticket for parking near your house when you park over 2 hours when you come home for a few hours in between jobs. And cars tend to be allowed where there are no parking signs or facing the wrong way. When you work hard, pay taxes-you get screwed. How about resident/visitor parking stickers on one side of the street?.