New Watertown Veterans Agent Has Experience Working with Vets, Public Policy

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Watertown has a new Veterans Services Officer who served in the Marines, worked on veterans issues in the State House and has an educational background in government and public policy.

Patrick J. George was appointed the Veterans Services Officer starting on March 18, 2019, Town Manager Michael Driscoll announced Friday.

George has five years experience in the U.S. Marine Corps as a computer systems administrator. He supervised 10 Marines in day-to-day operations of the information technology (IT) support, managed the integrity of 4,000 computer assets, and implemented technology upgrades for Marine Aircraft Group 24 in Hawaii.

He received the Joint Service Commendation Medal for accomplishments related to instruction and development of Afghanistan National Army Soldiers in vehicle maintenance and convoy operations. Also, he received the Naval Achievement Medal for serving as IT section manager for the Marine helicopter squadron in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

George earned a Bachelor of Science in government and philosophy and a Master of Science in ethics and public policy from Suffolk University. While at the college, he was active in the veteran’s community, including reviving the Suffolk University Veterans Organization and participated on the Suffolk President’s Commission for Veterans and Active Duty Students.

As a senior, he interned at Mass. General Hospital’s Home Base Program, in which he provided information to veterans at Suffolk and beyond about what services they are eligible for through the program.

George worked as a policy analyst in the Massachusetts State House and has experience with veterans benefits and the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs.

As Watertown’s Veterans Services Officer, George will be involved with administration, record keeping and keeping of confidential information about veterans’ and service members’ concerns and problems, as well as the policies and procedures for veterans services.

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