The Watertown Department of Public Works has released the Trash and Recycling calendar for 2019.
Trash will be collected once a week. Recycling will be collected every other week. The pick up week depends on which area of town in which you live. See the map above.
Christmas trees will be collected through the month of January. Put them out on your regular trash pickup days.
Yard waste pickups begin the second week of April, and will be held twice a month through November, and once in December. Yard waste collection will occur on the normal trash pickup day of the designated yard waste weeks.
Call the DPW for free curbside pickup of TVs and computer monitors. Pickups occur on Fridays, and you must call by noon on Thursday to reserve for that week. The DPW number is 617-972-6420.
White goods — including air conditioners, washers, dryers, stoves, hot water heaters, dehumidifiers, microwaves, refrigerators, and freezers — are also collected every Friday. A $20 sticker is required and may be purchased at the Public Works Facility, located at 24 Orchard St., Watertown.
The weeks when pickup will be delayed by one day due to the following holidays:
- New Year’s Day – Jan. 1
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Jan. 21
- George Washington’s Birthday – Feb. 18
- Patriots Day – April 15
- Memorial Day – May 27
- Independence Day – July 4
- Labor Day – Sept. 2
- Columbus Day – Oct. 14
- Veterans Day – Nov. 11
- Thanksgiving – Nov. 28
- Christmas Day – Dec. 25
To see the calendar, click here.
Just a reminder: when you roll your wheelie bins out for collection, make sure the truck operator has plenty of room to grab and lift the bin without damaging a nearby shade tree.
Thank you for protecting our hard-working neighborhood trees!
Will the town be sending homeowners a copy of the calendar? No calendar in my mail yet. Computer print out of the calendar is mediocre and not as easy to read as the mailed calendars I’ve received in the past.