4 thoughts on “LETTER: Councilor Concerned About Impact of Mt. Auburn St. Project on Coolidge Square

  1. Bravo Councilor, Coolidge Square is a historically significant area that needs appraisal and preservation. not cut chop and if it turns out bad there will be no way to change it. We need more access to parking, not less or exchanged for spaces at the other end. As it is it there are very few accessible spots to park for elderly or handicapped residents. Parking would be easily accommodated if perhaps with the power of eminent domain to utilize the current parking lot between between Arlington and Bigelow. A two or three story parking garage would open space for quite a number of spaces not even counting the currently reserved spaces.
    There are other creative “avenues” (no pun intended) to explore. Not just what the engineers, contractors etc put before the council.
    Just Saying
    Steve Ainsworth
    East Watertown

    • Steve, you are not the first to talk about a parking garage — either in Coolidge Square or Watertown Square. I think there are various hurdles standing in the way (for instance the Cambridge water supply runs through the lot behind CVS). The biggest, however, seems to be the funding.

      There is an item on the town’s 2019-23 Capital improvement plan (page 13) for a structured parking garage in Watertown Square for $5 million, but funding is TBD. That has been like that for many years. Nothing for Coolidge, however.

  2. The Mt Auburn St project is designed by road “engineers” who bury themselves in numbers and studies from “other” places. Like our town planners, they are unconcerned with preserving neighborhoods, small businesses or history. They do not talk to anyone who actually lives there; public meetings don’t work—they should be going door to door or spending real time in the space, not just taking traffic counts and trying to apply their one size fits all latest trend called the “road diet”. Don’t be fooled—their only concern is getting car traffic to flow through the area quickly, not if anyone might want to actually stop to live in a place. Thank you Angie for calling out this awful process! I wish more town councilors would take notice.

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