LETTER: Congressional Candidate Thanks His Supporters During State Primary

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Open Letter from Republican Congressional Candidate John Hugo to the People of theMassachusetts 5 th Congressional District:

I want to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate every single person, no matter the party and no matter who you voted for, who took the time to do their civic duty on Tuesday September 4. Our republic only works, indeed can only thrive, if informed citizens participate.

I’m truly humbled and honored that 64% of those who voted in the Republican Primary selected me to be the Republican Nominee. I want to congratulate Dr. Louis Kuchner, my primary opponent, for running a spirited campaign that took the high road and focused on issues. He has graciously endorsed my candidacy and pledged his support. I am truly grateful. Having Dr. Kuchner as a primary challenger has made me a better candidate.

I’m running, quite frankly, because I’m sick tired or hearing people complain about the way things ought to be, but never doing anything about it. I’m just an average working-class citizen, struggling to pay my bills. I’m a Taxi Dispatcher. I’m sure you’ll hear that from my opponent’s campaign at some point. What can I possibly know about being a legislator? The answer is simple I have live with and under the laws, pay the taxes, and deal with consequences of what legislators do – just like the average voter in our district. But most important, I love my country and I don’t believe that Katherine Clark’s vision of America and policy views are consistent with what the vision and policy views espoused by the hard-working people, struggling to make ends meet in our district.

America is bulwark of freedom. The Constitution protects and guarantees that freedom, primarily from the Government. Our free-market economy affords Americans the best hope for liberty, opportunity, and prosperity. Free Market Capitalism, although not perfect, has done more to elevate people from poverty than any well intentioned government programs, which often times institutionalize poverty for generations.

I want to congratulate Katherine Clark and invite her to debate the issues. I believe
there are stark differences in our philosophy of government. Let’s debate them.
The hardworking people of the 5 th Congressional District deserve no less.

I invite you the voters to visit www.johnhugo.com to read more specifics about what I believe and what priorities will be as your congressman.

John Hugo
Candidate for Congress, Massachusetts 5th Congressional District

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