Marilyn Petitto Devaney with Middlesex County Sheriff Peter Koutoujian.
I am running a basic grass root campaign in a Governor’s Council District larger than a congressional district (difficult without money) representing 32 towns and cities from Ayer to Back Bay.
What I am most proud of?:
Just to mention two of the reforms I made on the council that I am proud of:
1. Changed the Parole Board whose members were all prosecutors — not in compliance for 30 years.
2. Stopped long-time practice of Governor’s Councillors, Governor, Lieutenant Governor accepting money from nominees right to the time of the vote. Had prohibition written in Governors’ executive orders from Governor Cellucci to Baker. No Political contributions allowed upon nominee applying.
Proud of the wonderful judges I voted for who care about the struggles of everyday people. Proud of my votes for members on boards and commissions, who have empathy. For one example, our Industrial Accident Board members have such compassion for injured workers who are trying to put food on the table.
I enjoy investigating and vetting nominees — especially enjoy meeting at the Diner in Watertown with every nominee from Parole Board to judge for 19 years.
Here is a great story — I treasure — a well-qualified nominee for Superior Court, a handsome black man, had on his application of work experience,”worked for the Celtic organization” You might thing he was an equipment manager. He was so qualified and so humble and never said he played for the Celtics. He had two rings! — Malcolm Graham.
He retired this year. He will be missed in Superior Court — the most respected judge.
I am proud to be the only full-time councillor with 100 percent attendance. I love what I do. I have the same enthusiasm as I did on the first day.
I have always tried to be the voice of the people. I am grateful to the wonderful people who support me.
I hope the people I represent will continue to support me to allow me to work for them the next two years.
Cast Historic votes on Supreme Judicial Court
- 1st majority of Women
- 1st Black and Jewish Chief Justices
- 1st openly Gay Woman
- 1st Black Woman
- 1st Asian-American Woman
- 2nd Black Woman
Continue Marilyn’s experience and committment working for us as our Governor’s Councillor.
Endorsed by Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, Sheriff Peter Koutoujian, Professional Firefighters of Massachusetts, National Association of Government Employees (NAGE), Bay State Stonewall Democrats and 50 others.
Please vote for Marilyn M. Petitto Devaney Progressive Democrat on Sept. 4, 2018.
Marilyn Petitto Devaney
Massachusetts Governor’s Council, District 3
Marilyn is one of the most caring person I know and I will be voting for her on September 4
Marilyn has also always supported the Armenian American community throughout her 40-year career in elected office.
I am grateful for all her support.
Marilyn has:
1. attended every April 24 Armenian Genocide commemoration at the State House.
2. led winning efforts in Watertown and elsewhere against the Anti-Defamation League’s denial of the Armenian Genocide (2007 – 2008).
3. introduced a successful resolution in the Watertown Town Council that condemned Armenian Genocide denial and demanded land and reparations from Turkey (2009).
4. championed a resolution in the Governor’s Council that called on the U.S. President to require from Turkey acknowledgement of the Genocide and reparations (2010).
5. defended against Armenian Genocide denial at Governor’s Council hearings (2013-2014).
Please vote for Marilyn and encourage family and friends living in her district to do the same on September 4th.