John Hugo of Woburn is running as a Republican in the 2018 race for the 5th Congressional seat, which represents Watertown.
The Watertown Republican Town Committee is thrilled to announce that it has unanimously endorsed Republican John Hugo of Woburn to be the Republican Nominee for United States’ Congress in the 5th Congressional District.We believe that Hugo’s strong embrace of the Republican platform, makes him the best choice for voters in the Sept. 4 Primary. Further his energy and commitment make him the best candidate to take the fight the Katherine Clark, whom Hugo describes as “out of touch with needs of the district” adding: “She missing in action and I doubt if she’s ever read the Constitution … if she has, she’s developed a habit of ignoring it!”
“In world full of scripted career politicians like Katherine Clark, John Hugo is a breath of fresh air. He’s a regular working class person that happens to be civic minded and a true patriot” said John DiMascio, the Watertown Republican Committee Chair. “It’s an honor for us to endorse him and a bigger privilege to call him a friend.”
John Hugo has sacrificed much and worked tirelessly to get himself on the ballot. He’s been just as relentless at garnering the support of many Republicans and Republican Committee members throughout the 5th Congressional District. He’s very hands on, there is not a question he won’t answer, and there isn’t a person he won’t reach out to. These are all qualities we need in candidate and Congressman.
Therefore the Watertown Republican Committee proudly endorse John Hugo for Congress in the 5th Congressional District and urges those voting in the Republican Primary on Sept. 4, to join us in voting for John Hugo.
John DiMascio
Chairman Watertown Republican Town Committee
Honestly you could not have picked a more sinister picture of a politician.
Hahaha. Give him a moustache to twirl between his fingers to complete the picture. A true patriot? That means quite a few things, most positive, some, not so much. I’m not so sure this committee, or Chairman, will influence anything.
And Mr. DiMascio is famous on this board for questioning the patriotism of his good townsfolk and neighbors. As they say, consider the source.