Recycle your Styrofoam at the special DPW event.
Watertown’s Department of Public Works will host a special recycling event where styrofoam will be collected, paper will be shredded and tires will be taken.
The recycle event will be on Saturday, May 5, 2018 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is for Watertown residents only, ID will be required. Also, no commercial or business items.
Clean, white styrofoam will be accepted, including cups and trays, but no foam peanuts or colored styrofoam.
Paper will also be shredded and tires will be accepted, but no rims.
The event will be at the DPW’s Recycling Center on Green River Way, off Waltham Street.
Directions: West from Watertown Square on Pleasant Street, North (right) on Bridge Street, West (left) on Waltham Street and South (left) on Green River Way.