4 thoughts on “Residential, Commercial Project on Pleasant Street Approved on Third Try

  1. Okay, 53 new residential units, 10,000 square feet of commercial and 92 parking spaces. And what are we doing to reduce the traffic impact in the area? Nothing, that’s what. No new public transit service in the area so far. Park is good, but the developer, at very least should leave the berm to have a topographical separation from the less dense residential area.

    Why did the Planning Board pass this despite still having issues? I don’t understand. I would make the developer work until they present a satisfactory plan. Don’t reward them just for effort.

  2. I understand the responses that I have gotten from the town on an obvious increase in EVERY DAY flow of cars up Rutland St where I have lived for the past 30 years. A neighborhood street. I also understand that the response I didn’t hear from the town was that the real cause of this increase in traffic is unabated over development on Pleasant St. This “elephant in the room” continues to be ignored with virtually every square foot of ground and now air space that might be developed continues unrestrained with no regard for the impacts on the residents in adjacent neighborhoods! Enough is enough with the overdevelopment !!

  3. With the 99 rental units being built across from the 53 apartments and businesses, it will be a traffic mess, but every traffic study comes up with the same numbers every time. When we attended the various meetings about these apartments, the traffic study didn’t have accurate info as the Bacon and Howard Street apartments hadn’t been finished and no one knew how that would affect us.

    No I have heard that Steritt Lumber and the Door place behind it will have to move because that parcel of land has been sold. If I were a betting person, I’d say more apartments will be built there! More congestion. We have enough apartments. If something goes in there I’d like to see Assisted Living. Many seniors give up their cars so perhaps there would be less traffic and many seniors would like to stay in Watertown if they have to give up theirs homes, especially if they have lived here a long time.

    Watertown is definitely being overbuilt and we don’t seem to see our taxes going down despite the tax money going into the town with all this development. Something is wrong!

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